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Aspergillosis in Ducks: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

White Patches on Ducks, group of sick ducks

Have you noticed your ducks coughing, wheezing, or just appearing a bit more lethargic of late? If so, you may be dealing with an outbreak of Aspergillosis. Though not a communicable disease among poultry, it spreads quickly, since it’s caused by fungal spores in the air that can rapidly lead to debilitating disease. The bad […]

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7% Fewer Wild Ducks Reported in 2023

duck ponds and rocks

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service paired up with the Canadian Wildlife Service, among others, to survey the total wild duck population. Their findings revealed that the population dropped by nearly 2.4 million in just one year– a 7% drop. Why Did North America Lose So Many Wild Ducks? Ducks Unlimited’s chief scientist, Steve Adair, […]

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