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Egg Peritonitis in Chickens: Symptoms and Prevention

There’s nothing more stressful to deal with than egg peritonitis in chickens. Don’t know what that is? Egg peritonitis is a condition in which an egg becomes “stuck” inside a hen’s body, leading to inflammation and infection of the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity). This condition is more common in older hens and […]

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Understanding the Digestive System of a Chicken

Chickens are fascinating creatures with unique bodily systems, including their digestive system. As omnivores, chickens are capable of breaking down both plant and animal materials to obtain the necessary nutrients for survival. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the: Complexities of the chicken’s digestive system How it works and allows the chicken to thrive […]

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Chicken Dislocated Leg: Signs to Look For & Treatment Options

There’s nothing quite like seeing your hens and roosters strutting around the coop or run, marching about like they own the place! Having happy, healthy chickens can put a smile on any chicken owner’s face, but what do you do when that strut no longer happens? A common issue that many chicken owners face is […]

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Poultry Cannibalism: Signs, Solution, and Prevention

It’s certainly not pleasant to think about, but as chicken owners, it’s something we’ll all have to come to terms with at some point or another: chicken cannibalism. Yes, you read that right. Chickens can sometimes (and often do) resort to eating each other. So, why does cannibalism happen in chickens? There are a few […]

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Dehydration in Goats: The Risk and Treatment For Your Herd

Dehydration is a serious and potentially fatal condition that can affect goats of all ages. Believe it or not, dehydration isn’t just something you need to worry about during the hot summer months. The primary cause of dehydration in goats is the loss of fluids through sweating, urination, and defecation, as well as limited access […]

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Salmonella in Chickens: Causes, Signs, and Prevention

Is there anything cuter than snuggling a freshly hatched baby chick? We think not! Unfortunately, as more people raise their own backyard chickens, the risks of cuddling those adorable little chicks are becoming more prevalent. One of the most significant concerns we face is the risk of salmonella in chickens. Before you let your kids […]

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Chicken Wound Care (First-Aid for Injured Chickens)

Chickens are relatively easy livestock to take care of, but as with all animals, they are prone to injuries. From pecks and scratches to more serious cuts and wounds, it’s important to know how to care for your chickens properly. If you’ve noticed a scratch or cut on one of your chickens, don’t panic. It […]

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How to Clean Chicken Feet (Step-by-Step Guide)

Chicken feet may sound bizarre to some, but they are a delicacy in many cultures. The feet are rich in protein and collagen, and when cooked, can add a gelatinous texture to a dish—particularly to chicken stock or broth, which they are commonly used in. However, cleaning chicken feet can be intimidating—and many people may […]

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Aspergillosis in Ducks: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Have you noticed your ducks coughing, wheezing, or just appearing a bit more lethargic of late? If so, you may be dealing with an outbreak of Aspergillosis. Though not a communicable disease among poultry, it spreads quickly, since it’s caused by fungal spores in the air that can rapidly lead to debilitating disease. The bad […]

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Can Chickens Eat Chicken?

Picture this—you’ve just finished up your dinner as a family, and now it’s time to clear the table of leftovers. You scrape the potatoes and green beans into a bin to go out to the chicken coop, and as you prepare to do the same with the scraps of roast chicken on your son’s plate, […]

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