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Sick Goat Won’t Get Up: How to Help

sick goat won't get up featured image

If your sick goat won’t get back up, you’ve got to act fast to save them. I understand that it’s scary having a goat who is down and refuses to stand back up. So in this article, I’ll cover the most common issues that would cause a sick goat to lie down and not stand […]

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Baking Soda for Goats: Benefits + How To Feed To Your Goats

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Feeding baking soda to goats as a remedy for bloat is common among goat keepers. Bloat, a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by excessive gas accumulation in the rumen, can occur when goats consume large amounts of highly fermentable food or graze on legume-rich pastures. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is believed to help […]

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Baby Goats Dying: What’s Happening and How To Stop It

how to save baby goats dying

Are your baby goats dying? There are several reasons why kids suddenly fall ill. Familiarize yourself with them, and be on the lookout for these during the kidding season. In this article, we covered what causes each issue, prevention measures, symptoms, and treatment whenever possible. We understand that baby goats dying is distressing and upsetting; […]

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Rabies in Goats: What You Need To Know

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Rabies is a serious viral disease that affects many different species, including goats. The rabies virus causes it and can be transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. While rabies is more commonly associated with dogs and other mammals, it is important for goat owners to be aware of the risks and take steps to […]

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Pneumonia in Goats: The Causes, Signs, Treatment & Tips

Pneumonia in Goats

Did you know that pneumonia is one of the main goat killers next to heavy worm load? The culprit can either be bacteria, viruses, and worms. And you should never overlook pneumonia in goats because it can kill your ruminant overnight. But you can protect your herd and reduce the chance of developing this fatal […]

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Tetanus in Goats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment for Ruminants

Tetanus in Goats

Is your goat suffering from stiff limbs, unsteady gait, clamped jaws, erect ears and tails, and convulsions? These are the common symptoms of tetanus in goats, and it’s highly fatal. But don’t panic! In this article, we’ll share everything you should know about tetanus in goats, including: Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatments for tetanus in ruminants […]

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Overeating Disease in Goats

Goats eating on the field

One of the lesser-known problems goat keepers face is overeating disease, also known as crop overload or enterotoxemia.  Overeating disease is a dangerous condition when goats consume too much concentrated feed, such as grains, pellet feeds, or sugars.  Unfortunately, it can quickly become life-threatening if left untreated.  In this blog post, we will explore what […]

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Why Goats Grind Their Teeth

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Suppose you see goats grind their teeth. That is a surefire sign that something is wrong and that you should immediately start paying attention to that individual. Teeth grinding in goats should be prioritized with coughing, diarrhea, snotty noses, and other unusual behaviors that typically indicate disease or illnesses in goats. In this post, we’ll discuss what causes goats […]

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Headbutting in Goats: Meaning and What To Do

Headbutting in Goats_ Meaning and What To Do

Have you ever had a goat headbutt you or knock its horns against something sharply and wondered what they were trying to tell you? Goats can be quite communicative with their owners, especially through headbutting. Understanding the meaning behind headbutting is essential in knowing how to have a positive experience with your animals while maintaining […]

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Learn More About Fainting Goats

Learn More About Fainting Goats

Tennessee Fainting goats, or myotonic goats, are often kept as merely entertaining farm pets but are actually bred to be a high-quality meat goats. This American goat breed does not actually faint but merely stiffens up and falls over sideways when startled due to a hereditary condition known as myotonia congenita. Fainting goats are also […]

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