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Can Chickens Eat Papaya?

Papayas, also known as papaw or pawpaw, are fruits usually found and grown in the tropics. They’re plump and juicy, and the flesh is orange in color. If you haven’t eaten one yet, the taste is similar to mango, banana, and peaches combined. And if you happen to have one on hand and you’re raising […]

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Chicken Protein: Parts of a Chicken You Can Use for Protein

When we think about the parts of a chicken that we readily consume, we often think of the basics: the breast, wings, and thighs. But the truth is, there’s a lot more on that bird that can be eaten and used for protein than just those same ‘ol parts of the chicken. With that being […]

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Can You Make Honey Without Bees?

Honeybees are undoubtedly fascinating creatures. They are known for their unique behavior of storing honey, which is now a favorite among many people. Honey is used in various ways—from sweetening tea to baking and even as a remedy for sore throats. However, sad to say, honeybee populations have been declining over the past years. This […]

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Get to Know the Black-and-White Lakenvelder Chickens!

If you’re looking for a colorful and friendly breed to add to your backyard flock, Lakenvelder chickens are an excellent choice. Not only do they add a beautiful aesthetic to any flock, but they also lay a respectable number of eggs and provide some companionship as well. With its fascinating history and striking appearance, the […]

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Primping and Preening Birds: Why Do Birds Do These?

When you have a pet bird, it’s important to understand their grooming habits. Birds are some of the cleanest creatures out there – they devote much time to preening and grooming themselves. This helps them to keep their feathers in good condition and stay healthy. As a bird parent, it’s important to understand your pet’s […]

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Can Chickens Eat Blackberries?

Chickens are known to be omnivores, and one of the best things about them is how they can eat a wide variety of foods. That said, they aren’t garbage disposals – and there are some things you’ll need to keep in mind if you want to keep your chickens happy and healthy. So can chickens […]

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How to Humanely Kill a Chicken

When the time comes to process a chicken intended for meat, it’s only fair to try to end its life in the most humane way possible. There are a few different viewpoints regarding which method is the most humane. But the truth is, all of the following, if done properly, is the easiest on the […]

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10 Popular Brown Chicken Breeds For You To Meet!

Are you looking for the perfect brown chicken breeds to join your backyard flock? Brown chickens come in a stunning variety of shades and patterns. These breeds are excellent dual-purpose chickens with high egg-laying production and quality meat. In this article, we have compiled 10 of the best and most popular brown chicken breeds to […]

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10 Duck Breeds That Can’t Fly

Are you looking for duck breeds that can’t fly from their coop? While it’s true that all domestic ducks can achieve flight in some capacity, a few duck breeds are too heavy or short-winged to maintain a few inches off the ground. Here are ten duck breeds that can’t fly and will be content to […]

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