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Dutch Hookbill Duck Breed Profile

Dutch Hookbill Duck | Photo courtesy: Paul-Erwin Oswald/ Wikimedia Foundation

The Dutch Hookbill Duck, a captivating and unique waterfowl breed, has a rich history that started in the Netherlands. Distinguished by its striking appearance and distinctive hooked bill, this breed has captured the attention of duck enthusiasts worldwide. The Dutch Hookbill’s origins trace back centuries, where it was developed as a practical and hardy breed […]

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Bali Duck Breed Profile

Bali Duck Breed

Bali Ducks, also known as the Balinese Duck or Balinese Crested Duck, is a beautiful domesticated duck breed that, true to the name, resembles a white Indian Runner with fluffy white feathered crests atop their heads. There’s so much to know about this slender, goofy breed — their history, characteristics, and purpose. And if you’re […]

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Cayuga Duck Breed: What To Know About This Majestic Black Duck

Cayuga Duck Breed Profile

If you’re on the lookout for a fun, friendly, and one-of-a-kind duck breed to keep, you might want to consider the Cayuga Duck. With their unique feathers, laid-back personalities, and easygoing nature, these birds make for fantastic and rewarding feathered friends. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the following: what makes the Cayuga breed […]

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10 Duck Breeds That Can’t Fly

Duck Breeds That Can't Fly - domestic ducks in enclosed coop to protect from predators

Are you looking for duck breeds that can’t fly from their coop? While it’s true that all domestic ducks can achieve flight in some capacity, a few duck breeds are too heavy or short-winged to maintain a few inches off the ground. Here are ten duck breeds that can’t fly and will be content to […]

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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Before Buying Ducks

mistakes when purchasing ducks

Ducks have a lot to offer homesteads, both large and small. They produce copious amounts of extra-large rich and creamy eggs, and deliciously flavorful meat and make entertaining “farm pets,” as well. Avoid mistakes when purchasing ducks cause frustration and wasted money for you and a potential deadly tragedy for the poultry birds. Mistakes to […]

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7 Best Books On Raising Ducks

7 Best Books On Raising Ducks- For Beginners and Experienced (2021)

Reading the best books on raising ducks can help make your husbandry efforts far more successful and foster the keeping of far healthier and happier ducks. Whether you are keeping ducks for their meat, and eggs, to rid your garden of bugs, or merely as pets, learning how to take care of them properly is […]

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Crested Ducks

Crested duck

Crested ducks are a domestic breed with fairly unknown origins, even though their existence dates back more than 2,000 years. These regal looking poultry birds were traditionally kept for meat and eggs but are now largely kept as pets. History of the Crested Ducks Members of this breed are often believed to have found their […]

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How To Incubate Duck Eggs

How to Incubate Eggs - Spring Chicken Checklist

To incubate duck eggs in an incubator is more complicated than hatching chicken eggs the same way. Most incubators are designed to be used for both types of eggs. But, although it is fairly commonplace on homesteads, attempting to hatch both chicken and duck eggs simultaneously is often problematic.  While some duck breeds both lay […]

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Can You Keep Ducks As Pets? Everything You Need To Know

can you have ducks as pets

Ducks are most commonly kept as egg and meat birds on homesteads or even in large backyards, but they can also be raised as entertaining and pleasant pets, as well. These adorable poultry birds can make excellent pets, as long as keepers do not expect them to behave like a pet store bird or a […]

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Magpie Duck Breed: Everything You Need To Know

Magpie Ducks

Magpie ducks are not necessarily as popular or well known as the Pekin, Khaki Campbell, or even the Indian Runner breeds. Still, they do have an extremely devoted keeper and breeder community.  The hens of this breed are proficient layers of quality eggs. Both hens and drakes (mature male ducks) are excellent meat birds – […]

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