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Beginner’s Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens

Beginner’s Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens Blog Cover

Raising chickens can be many things: therapeutic, rewarding, fun and for beginners maybe a bit nerve wracking! There is literally tons of information about raising chicks and chickens and it is hard to sort through it all to determine what is right, what is not and what is just plain weird. In this definitive guide, […]

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47 Backyard Chicken Owners Speak Out: “What I Wish I’d Known Before Keeping Backyard Chickens”

Backyard Chicken Owners

Keeping backyard chickens for the first time can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. What if I forget to lock my coop at night? How do I stop predators attacking my hens? These questions ran through my mind repeatedly when I got my first backyard chickens. I would constantly be checking on my girls every […]

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How Many People Have Gotten Chickens in the Past Five Years?

How many chickens in the past five years

How many people have gotten chickens in the past five years? The answer might surprise you. Thinking about getting chickens in 2022? If so, you aren’t alone. In the last five years, especially in the last year, raising backyard chickens has exploded. There are several reasons why. The statistics alone prove something you probably already […]

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Can You Keep Ducks As Pets? Everything You Need To Know

can you have ducks as pets

Ducks are most commonly kept as egg and meat birds on homesteads or even in large backyards, but they can also be raised as entertaining and pleasant pets, as well. These adorable poultry birds can make excellent pets, as long as keepers do not expect them to behave like a pet store bird or a […]

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4 Most Popular Bali Chicken Breeds and What You Should Know

4 Most Popular Bali Chicken Breeds and What You Should Know

If you’re thinking about raising backyard chickens, you’ll have plenty to consider – but the Bali chicken breed list is extensive. What is a Bali chicken breed? Why, one that was developed in Bali, of course! Several chickens are native to Indonesia, including Ayunai, Banten, Balenggek, Bangkok, Bekisar, Burgo, Cangehgar, Ceamni, Kedu, and more.  Chickens […]

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