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The Sapphire Gem Chicken: The Complete Info Guide

Also known as the Sapphire Blue Plymouth Rock or Blue Plymouth Rock, the Sapphire Gem is all the rage for novelty and specialty chicken fanciers. Scouring the internet for information on this rare variety will most likely lead you down a dead-end road or to the local jewelers’ websites. There is conflicting information on this […]

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Egg Float Test: Is it a Myth?

We have all heard of it, but what exactly is it? The egg float test is a simple test that checks for the egg’s freshness. But is it just an old wives’ tale, or does this test actually work? Today’s topic is just that. Egg Float Test: Is it a Myth or Fact? We’re going […]

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Rhode Island Red: What to Know Before Buying One

The Rhode Island Red is probably one of the most successful chicken breeds in the world! It has spread from its homeland to all corners of the globe and is thriving even in the face of the modern industrial hens and intensive farming practices. Rhode Island Red: Why is It So Popular? You see them […]

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9 Reasons Why Your Chickens Stopped Laying Eggs

It’s always a cause for concern when your chickens stop laying eggs. In fact, noticing this can help you identify if your chickens are ill. That’s why we always keep track of the number of eggs our chickens lay. This way, we know straight away if something is wrong. There are lots of reasons why […]

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How Are Chicken Eggs Fertilized

How are chicken eggs fertilized? Well, we all know that you don’t need a rooster to get an egg, right? Our hens will lay an egg daily with or without any assistance from the male sex. However, if you want fertilized chicken eggs, you will need a rooster to perform his duties with your hens, […]

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Chicken Molting: What Is It and How to Help Your Hens With It

The autumn leaves are falling from the trees and feathers are falling from your chickens. Chicken molting, what is it? Shorter days and cooler temperatures trigger an automatic response in the chickens and so they molt, shedding the old and acquiring glossy new feathers. This article is a guide to what to expect, how to […]

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The Best Chicken Harness: What to Know Before Buying

I must admit, the first time I saw a chicken harness I did a ‘double take’! Having never seen a hen walking on a leash before, it was surprising to say the least. They are fantastic to use in areas where your chickens can’t free-range. You can walk them on a leash to give them […]

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Sebright Chicken: Silver, Golden and Care Guide

The Sebright chicken is a small but dynamic bird. It enjoys an almost ‘cult’ following of dedicated breeders and keepers. This pint-sized bird is beautiful to look at and can easily fit in the palm of your hand! It is a product of one man’s imagination and quest to create something different in the poultry […]

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Sussex Chicken: Breed Information, Care Guide, Egg Color and More

The Sussex breed has been with us as an endearing and beloved hen for at least a few centuries. It has been bred as a dual-purpose hen, excelling at both. It has an exciting history and has endured through the ups and downs of the poultry world fads. The Sussex has enjoyed steady, if not […]

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Just How Loud Are Roosters? 5 Myths Debunked

This question is perennial and comes up frequently, so we decided to take some time to answer the question and give the roosters a break from all the bad press they get! Folks tend to say roosters are very noisy – and yes, they can be, but not as noisy as you might think… While […]

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