The autumn leaves are falling from the trees and feathers are falling from your chickens. Chicken molting, what is it?
Shorter days and cooler temperatures trigger an automatic response in the chickens and so they molt, shedding the old and acquiring glossy new feathers.
This article is a guide to what to expect, how to help and other molting tidbits. Sit back and relax because there is no hurrying the molting process.
Please note: This article is part of our free complete guide to raising chickens in winter.
Why Do Chickens Molt?
Over time, their plumage becomes dulled, broken, and shabby. We don’t notice because we see our birds daily.
But if you compare a freshly molted chicken with her un-molted sisters you will see the difference.
Feathers that are broken and worn out are not able to insulate the bird against the elements of wind, rain, and snow which accompany the winter season.
These molting discards are broken, tired old feathers with new shiny, tight feathering.
It is important that the bird have a snugly fitted ‘coat’ for the winter ahead- new feathers will help to keep them warm in the bitter cold months to come.
A new vibrant plumage also attracts more attention from the opposite sex!
When Do Hens Molt?
Usually, the molt starts in the Fall ready for winter but it can vary by several weeks. Currently (October), my girls have almost finished molting.
But in past years some have been molting well into the cold season.
They looked quite pathetic- semi bald and shivering from the cold, but they all survived.
An old wives’ tale is that if chickens molt early it’s going to be a bad winter- I’m hoping it’s not true!
Not all of your flock members will start at the same time, the process is drawn out over several weeks. Generally, the fastest molters are the best layers, so watch them carefully and you will be able to pick out your hardest workers.
Young hens less than twelve months will not molt for their first year. The following Fall they will start their molt.
It’s usually somewhere between fifteen to eighteen months of age.
Broody hens may molt after they are done with their chicks.
Broody’s always looked a bit disheveled and worn out after caring for chicks, so it seems like a reasonable time to start the molt.
How Long Does The Molt Take?
This depends on the bird. Every bird will have a slightly different ‘timetable’, but the entire process can take anywhere from three to sixteen weeks.
If you have a sizeable flock you will likely have girls that are done in three weeks and others who take their time about it!
I have found that older hens seem to take longer to replace their dropped feathers.
The molt progresses in a distinct pattern- it starts at the head, proceeds to the breast and thighs, finally arriving at the tail.
How to Care For Chickens during the Molt
Glad you asked!
As you probably know, feathers are around eighty-five percent protein, so during the molt hens need to increase their protein intake.
For the molting period and a couple of weeks after, switch them to a feed that has no less than eighteen percent protein or gamebird feed which is twenty or twenty-two percent.
The increase in protein will help them to replace those feathers more easily.
Although constantly giving them high protein feed can damage their health in the long term, short periods of increased protein are necessary for the bird to maintain/rebuild feathers and health.
Always make sure they have abundant water available to them.
In addition to the high protein feed, you can add supplements to the water to ensure they are getting sufficient vitamins and minerals.
There are several different brands out there, all are quite similar, but some have added lactobacilli which are good for gut health.
Apple Cider Vinegar can be added to their water to help ensure healthy digestion too. I have three drinkers so I add a vitamin supplement to one, ACV to another, and leave the third natural.
This way they have a choice of what they drink.
Finally, because I know people love to give snacks to their hens, how many treats should you give to them during the molt?
The treat intake should be limited to ten percent or less of their daily intake. You don’t want them filling up on ‘junk’ food that has little protein.
Healthy snacks include mealworms, tuna fish (in water, low sodium), cat food, black oil sunflower seeds, or fish pellets.
However, pelleted fish food has a very high amount of protein, so use it sparingly.
My Hens Have Stopped Laying During their Molt…
Molting is extremely stressful and draining for the hen.
They need a huge amount of protein to make new feathers. Making eggs also drains them of a lot of protein, so something has to give.
This can be considered the end of the hens’ laying cycle for the year.
When she starts to lay eggs again, she has started another year on her egg calendar.
Daylight has a lot to do with restarting the laying cycle. A hen needs around fourteen to sixteen hours of daylight to lay an egg; this is why many people add light to their coops in winter.
Winter is the time for the hen to slow down or even stop producing eggs.
During this time of slowed production, the hen is preparing for the months ahead which will be cold- food and water may be scarce (in the wild), self-preservation takes top priority.
If you do decide to add a light to the coop during winter to keep a good supply of eggs going, always add the extra hours in the morning. This way they will see the fading daylight as the time to roost- it doesn’t cause such a commotion.
The light doesn’t have to be obnoxiously bright (a sixty-watt bulb should be more than sufficient).
In order to stay at the same amount of light per day, you will need to adjust the timing frequently to allow for shorter, then longer days.
Please make sure your lamp is secured well, restless birds can easily dislodge a poorly placed lamp and cause a coop fire.
The Flock Are Picking At Each Other
Unfortunately, this is a nasty vice of chickens even when not molting. It can become very problematic during the molt though. Usually, the lower-status hens are the target of the pecking.
The pin feathers are supplied with blood while they are growing, so when a pin feather is pecked or plucked at, it can bleed profusely which causes even more trouble.
If you find any hens with bloody feathers or skin, remove them from the flock and carefully give them a once-over to see the extent of the damage.
When it’s just one very small area or individual feather, paint the area with Blu-Kote or similar.
The damage is more extensive you may have to paint several areas and temporarily remove her from the flock.
If it continues to ooze blood for an extended time, you can use a styptic powder to stop the bleeding.
The Blu-Kote disguises the color red, which chickens are drawn to.
If you do not remove a hen that has significant damage already, she will likely be pecked to death.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Molt
Do chicks molt?
Yes, they do, but you don’t really notice it too much. The first molt starts at around seven days when the down is replaced by sparse feathers.
Their second molt is around seven-twelve weeks when they lose their baby feather and grow in adult plumage.
Roosters should now start to look quite handsome with their hackles and long sickle tail feathers.
How can I stop them from molting?
You can’t.
It’s a natural process that all birds go through. Molting is triggered by the changing seasons and the decreasing daylight and cooler temperatures.
The best you can do is wait patiently for it to be done.
What is a ‘soft’ molt?
Your chickens will experience soft molts and hard molts.
A soft molt is when the birds seem to lose very little in the feather department. You may see them looking tatty and ragged with missing tail feathers, but very little in the way of bare skin.
A hard molt leaves your hen looking like she went through a chicken plucker! She will have large areas of skin visible- some birds are almost bald in a hard molt.
Make sure the coop is draft-free so she can sit inside and be miserable, but warm if she wants.
What is stress molting?
Stress molting occurs when the birds are feeling stressed. It can be caused by lack of food or water, a change in coop lighting, or other similar occurrences.
In the poultry industry, stress molting can be induced by withholding food and water and changing the lighting.
This is done to ensure a regulated supply of eggs to the customers. It is a practice that is banned in many countries as it is incredibly cruel.
Should I buy them chicken sweaters?
Emphatically- No!
Chickens do not need sweaters! Seeing your hens ragged or bald is pitiful and pulls at the heartstrings, but they will soon look much better.
The pin feathers that are coming on are extremely sensitive to the touch, so pulling on a sweater will cause the bird a lot of pain and misery.
Have my birds got dandruff?
What you are seeing is the discarded waxy covering of the pin feathers. It acts as a protection for these new, fragile feathers until they are fully developed- and yes, it really does look like dandruff!
Housekeeping Tip
Once the majority of your birds have got their new feathers coming in, it’s a great time to do the Fall housekeeping.
Clean the coop walls with water/vinegar mix, sweep out the old bedding, clean the nest boxes, and check for any holes or entrance points for vermin. Dust with poultry dust if you desire then add new bedding.
Molting always seems to make the hens look sad- they look tired and tatty and their feathers look bedraggled.
Once they have the new feathers in they seem to suddenly perk up in looks and energy. Try to keep a close watch on the hens that are lower in the pecking order, they are likely targets for feather pickers during the molt.
Please remember to pet and handle them as little as possible during the molt as the new pin feathers are super sensitive.
Be observant for signs of illness. This is a time when the bird is most susceptible to bugs and viruses.
Giving them added vitamins in their water will help tremendously and don’t forget the ACV for the winter months ahead.
Try to keep a low-stress environment for them- no new birds, no changes in routine, and so on. Any stress at this time can slow down the feathering process.
We hope this helps you through the molting period and explains some of the problems associated with it. Be patient this is a time for rest and renewal, they will soon be ready to start up production for you again.
Are your hens molting now? Let us know how they are doing in the comments below!
Excellent and timely advice, as usual, for which sincere thanks from an enthusiastic newbie chicken custodian. I’ve been letting my girls out of their large enclosure into my orchard and vegetable plot. Unfortunately they’ve started exploring further afield and have got into a neighbour’s garden a few times. She’s a veteran chicken-keeper so doesn’t mind too much, and I’ve got the hang of catching them. They give me baleful looks and disappointed clucks when they’re back in ‘captivity’, but we’re soon pals again, and no hard feelings!
That’s great to hear Peter 🙂
Thank you so much. I read every word since this my first winter with my girls!
Very helpful article on molting
This is a very helpful article on understanding the molting period. I use the articles to teach my granddaughter about how to care for her chickens by understanding their needs. It seems that I learn something new each time I read the articles.
Keep up the excellent work,
Thank you so much Ed 🙂 I hope she enjoyed reading it!
Brilliant information, my girls are just finishing their molt and are starting to look amazing. I was worried as they did look sad and also didnt want cuddles, they always sit on my lap for a cuddle.Now I know why.
No my hens are not molting and they won’t this year, they’re only 10 months old. They have slightly decrease egg production though.
Thanks a whole lot for all good info. I’m a rookie in this domain and every bit of information help.
Thank you so much for all the info. Very direct, not too wordy. Very good through information. Will be getting my girls in March 2017. I’m sooooooo excited. My husband and I built the coop and run, as we are city dwellers. Have brooder ready. Thanks again!
Thank you for your sweet words Amy 🙂
Good luck with your hens next year, and be sure to get in touch if you need any help!
My chickens are molting now. It is 32 degrees and snow on the ground. It’s sad. Some of them look real bad.
We compost in the chicken coop in the winter. Is this going to hurt them as they molt?
They started in October but are not done yet.
Hi Ronda,
No I wouldn’t have thought so.
They should be done soon 🙂
Hi Claire! Thanks for such a great article on molting! I have 9 chickens, most of them less than a year old, but 4 of them are older. One of the older ones molted in September I think, and now two more of the older ones are molting but it seems so cold for them, is this too late? We had an issue with the light in our coop, unfortunately we didn’t catch it right away and so the light has been on all night for a few nights. To make matters more complex, I did switch them to an organic, higher protein feed last week, so it was like a double whammy. Now I’m worried their molting due to either the stress of the change in light or possibly the change in food. I got them some extra organic cracked corn to help them along, but is there anything else I can do? I’ll put ACV in one of the waterers…I feel awful!!
Thanks again for the great article!
Hi Kayleigh,
Sorry to hear about this!
I would just make sure to keep a close eye on their light for the rest of the winter. Make sure they are well feed and watered. There isn’t much more you can do unfortunately.
What a wonderful article with awesome information. Thank you! How much acv would you use in water? Also, do you worry about or prevent mites during molt? And how long is too long for high amounts of protein? Can essential oils be added to water or vitamins and minerals?
Hi Gale,
Happy to help 🙂
You should use a dilution ration of 2% for acv.
In terms of the protein, it depends on the feed and ratio but I wouldn’t recommend high protein for more than a month or so at a time.
I have one 18 month old chicken that seems to be going through a soft molt. She continues to lay but every egg has very thin shells and have a band around middle. Is this normal during molting?
Typically they stop laying during their molt. But if they continue to lay when they’re molting, their egg shells are normally very thin yes.
Once she stops molting, the egg shells should thicken up.
Thank you very much for such a useful article. You have covered all my questions as this is the first time I’ve had chickens going through a moult.
Really useful information. I feel much happier as to what to expect.
Happy to help Karen 🙂
My girl is in her second molt year. She started the first of September and she now has feathers that look like they have been stripped, just the stalks are left. I see no indication of any pin feathers. I have brought her inside and started her on “feather Fixer” feed and protein treat. I’ll do that for about a month. I’m worried about no new feathers Any comment?
I have 3 of my hens on their 3rd year of molting. Two of them look like their feathers were literally plucked from them. I mean you can see their flesh. But as sure as their feathers are falling off and flying everywhere, they have new ones coming in. Just this past summer I started giving my chickens Manna Pro Poultry Conditioner. I assume that this helped in their feathers growing back faster. It looks like all three might get their feathers within 2 weeks. Usually it takes longer but I could already see the feathers coming through the quill and it’s been only a week since they started molting. You just gotta let nature take it’s course. I keep my hens in the barn which is closed up at night to protect them from the wind and extreme cold. I also have in their roosting area a flat panel heater (it looks like a flat screen monitor) that is securely fastened so they don’t tip it over, for that extra warmth when they need it.
My previously absolutely gorgeous Golden Laced Wyandotte started molting last fall (2018) and is still looking so pathetic. I treated her for mites “just in case” but none of the other of my 7 chicken has mites. All are healthy and perky and she is perky too although stays by herself a lot. No one is especially being picked on. I am worried about her health but have watched them all to make sure she gets enough food and water, and it appears they are. Any suggestions?
Can I have a free choice protein source?
Is it possible for hens to molt in summer?
The end of Summer is a common molting time for Chickens so they can be prepared for cooler months with new feathers.
Thank you for this great article. We’re scheduled to pick up two new pullets to add to our backyard flock of four this afternoon, and I noticed this morning that one of our hens appears to be molting (lots of loose feathers and a bald patch on her neck). We’ve already paid for the new girls and committed to picking them up, but I’m worried about the health of the molting one if we bring them home. Are there any health concerns other than it making her molt take longer that we should be worried about?
Are you meaning in regards to new additions to the flock stressing her out? This could be possible, but make sure you go by proper introduction when bringing the new hens in. See here
I have one I thought was being picked on so I’m relieved to know she’s molting oh she looks bad! But from your articles we r doing everything right so thank you for the great in info ? we went through last winter with no problems so I’m hoping we are as lucky this year
So how much ACV per gal. of water? Not my chickens but I do clean their coup and treat them to meal worms. The kids next door got them for Easter , Easter before last and there are only 2 birds. I really like them and want to do what is best to keep them happy and healthy.
Ours are not even a year and one is hard molting. If I am not mistaken her crown is smaller too. We only have two so I don’t believe she is being pecked at. Is this normal?
Is there a way to reduce blood spots in the eggs?
Do you have a rooster and the eggs are fertile? read this:
I have 3 hens that are moulting, and they do look sad. I made porridge for an afternoon treat, they loved it, used mostly water with some milk, I thought the calcium will be good for them. Gave it while still warm.
I have seven hens that that will be two years old in April. One started molting in early October and after almost a month, another started. It has proceeded that way until today and the last one is still very thin in the feather department. Well, I hope it’s the last one – one appeared to molt after going broody repeatedly last summer and another probably just had a light molt. I have worried as winter came on and it has gotten cold. Is something wrong that it has dragged out so long? I increased protein in October for the first one and have continued since I’m always having another needing it, but worried they are getting too much. Getting almost no eggs. Should I have isolated each molting hen to give her her own private protein?
Love your website and caring advice! Thank you so much for your help.
I have to query your statement that “A hen needs around fourteen to sixteen hours of daylight to lay an egg…” We only have 9 weeks of the year when daylight is 14 hours or more (maximum 14.5 hours on Midsummer Day), yet the chooks will usually start their new laying season in early to late August when daylight is 11 hours long and still in late winter. Maybe you’re also counting twilight, but that is also only half an hour long each morning and evening.
I have always thought that chooks know to start laying again when they perceive that the days have started to get longer, not the actual day length.
Good article but I have a hen who appears to have been molting for 6 months. She now have a pale comb and is looking worse by the day. I don’t know what to do and am beside myself. I have sprinkled the diatemaceous earth in the coop in case it’s mites, We always give them around 20% protein, which I just learned is not good. 🙁 I just bought feather fixer feed for them hoping to make it better and it seemed to help at first. Any suggestions?
I’m so glad I found this read. I thought my hen was egg bound but turns out the poor girl is molting. She looks so homely. I’m still going to let her rest in the “hen hospital” and let her have some TLC for a day.
Thanks again. 😊
I have a black sex link chicken who started molting in is in November or December on her belly. My chicks are only 9 months old. Speriod she has now started molting on her back near her tail. I believe she is still laying eggs. She has started replacing some pinfeathers on her belly. Why is she molting so young?
Great post! I’m glad to know more about chicken molting and how to help my hens through this process. As a beginner chicken keeper, I appreciate the detailed information and tips provided. Thanks for sharing!
we have more rosters than we should since we only have about 5 hens, 5 ducks {1 female we keep seperated from the drakes. thank you so much for your artical on molting. ours are about finished molting.we had feathers everywhere and my husband thought a predator had got to them ,but after counting, they were all there. just molting. we’re still getting .eggs we have 2 houses, both with heat. our light is up high. my sons barn did burn down because the brood threw bedding up on his light and started the fire. we gave him eggs and he hatched them. he has a flock now. ours are free range. its like an Easter egg hunt all the time. trying to find the hidden nests. is there a way to relocate them without stressing them. we’ll be moving soon.
I’m in SC and 4 (possibly 5) out of our 9 molted at less than a year old the first started at 9 months old the last started at 11 moths old. The 11 month old stopped laying for 23 days and started laying again and she still ahs not fully grown in her feathers. Our 5th hen that may have done a mini molt after she finished brooding her 3 boys at Christmas but if she did it was not as noticeable to us. They just had their 1st hatch day last week too. Also a friend of mine in TX had some young hens less that a year old molt too this past winter.
I am about one and a half years in with my small flock of two and I’m yet to experience any full molt for rejuvenated feather regrowth over the autumn.. though I have witnessed a stress motling with one of my girls, which was at her tail end but no where else.. and just for others reading, it was caused by an escaped neighbours dog who accidently got into my property while they were free ranging and chased my hens, we contained the dog very very quickly to remove dog and watched our ladies closely for the next few days as they were indeed was I at the time.. I now know just how fast I can still run at this time in my life (50yrs).
I enjoyed reading over your article and have taken a fair bit in so Thank You for sharing.. I will continue to do my best for them.