All birds are covered to a greater or lesser extent with feathers. We really don’t think about the amazing ability of chicken feathers and their use.
The very first birds, Archaeopteryx, were huge, terrifying beasts. They are one of the first known appearances of the feather, enabling this dinosaur to fly!
Several others dinosaurs also had rudimentary feathering.
We will take a closer look at this marvel of engineering and see just how amazing it truly is! The next time you find a loose feather, spend some time looking at it closely. It really is a thing of practical beauty.
Despite having feathers, not all birds can fly. Birds can be divided roughly into flightless (emu, kiwi), limited flight (chickens), and full flight (songbirds, hawks).
How Do Hens Make Chicken Feathers?
Feathers are made almost entirely of keratin– a type of protein. Beaks and claws are also made of keratin.
Keratin contains several amino acids in its make-up- cysteine, lysine, proline, and methionine, to name a few.

The uses of feathers to the bird are many, some not as obvious as others. They are solid yet lightweight. About 10% of the total weight of the bird is feathers!
One of the main purposes of the feather is flight. The aero-dynamics of the feather allow the bird to fly and maneuver in the air.
While chickens cannot fly far, they can use their wings to escape predators, fly to hidden roosts, and as a scare tactic if attacked.
They help to keep the bird warm in winter and cool in summer. The fluffier the feathering, the more cold-tolerant the chicken usually is.
For example, the Buff Orpington is extremely well-insulated due to the density of her feathers. On the other hand, tight feathered birds do not fare as well in the cold weather.
Feathers can shed off an amazing amount of water. Obviously, ducks reign supreme at this!
They help protect the skin against all manner of weather and insects.
Feathers also make it difficult for predators to grab hold and kill their prey. So, in a sense, they also protect chickens from attacks.
Many birds use their feather coloration to blend in with their surroundings. You may not realize it, but a snazzy black and white Dominique rooster is actually quite difficult for a hawk to see.
Not so much in chickens, but in many avian species, the color and use of plumage in courtship displays will determine who gets to mate.
If you’ve ever seen a rooster do his dance for the ladies, you’ll notice he throws out one of his wings and dances around her.
He’s trying to show her he’s in charge and also trying to impress her with his plumage.
Sound vibration/air current vibrations
Structures called Herbst’s corpuscles at the base of the feather are thought to detect changes in the air current and sound vibration.
Naturally, both of these talents are very useful to a prey species like chickens.
Anatomy of a Chicken Feather
The feather is a simple structure to look at. The way that it is put together, however, is far from random or simple.
There are a few different types of feathers, and here is a brief description of each.
Types of Feather
Contours- As the name suggests, this is what gives the bird its shape and main color.
Flight- Flight feathers are specialized contour feathers. Sub-divided into primary and secondary flight feathers on the wings, together, they are known as the remiges.
The tail flight feathers are known as rectrices.
Down- These feathers are found at the base of the contour feathers and cover the bird as insulation. These are the same feathers you can find in a down jacket.
Semiplume- These are a cross between the contour and down feathers. They add extra insulation in addition to the down feathers.
Filoplume-These are tiny, wisp-like feathers that grow around the base of contour and semiplume feathers.
These feathers, unlike the other feathers, are attached to nerve endings. It is thought that they provide the bird with information about the condition of their feathers.
Bristles- You will notice these around the eye and head- it’s believed they play a sensory role.
Map of the Chicken Feather

The feather consists of a single stem, known as the rachis. The portion of the rachis in and just above the skin is known as the calamus or quill.
Extending outwards from the rachis is the feather vane. The vane consists of interlocked barbs.
The barbs are further divided into barbules and eventually hamuli or hooklets.
The hooklets are cleverly designed to hold the individual barbs together to form a continuous plane.
When a bird preens, they re-arranges its feathers into a smooth surface ready for flight or display.
Feathers and Molting
Now that you know 90% of a feather is protein, you can better understand why egg production decreases or stops during the molt!
The molt is an incredible drain on the birds’ resources. Your chicken not only has to produce new feathers but has to produce them fairly quickly.
Adult molting season usually starts around the Fall but can be much later.
Chicks will have three mini-molts before getting their ‘big girl’ feathers at around 12-14 weeks.
The bird needs those feathers to stay warm. The bird would need them to evade predators in a wild environment, either by flying or camouflage.
Feeding your flock high-quality, high-protein feed during the molt is essential for their wellbeing. Calcium should also be freely available.
Mans’ use of Chicken Feathers and Other Feathers
Humankind has always had a fascination with feathers. In the early part of the last century, we hunted some birds to near extinction just for their feathers!
Feathers are still used in some religious ceremonies, herbal remedies, and in the decoration of clothing and homes.
Here are a few more uses you may not know about:
- Fishing lures- fishermen love ‘real’ feather lures!
- Arrow fletches- still used by some archers. The tail of the arrow is made from feathers.
- Feather meal- which is used as a fertilizer.
- Textile fibers- this is a fairly recent development of integrating feathers into the material.
- Building industry- they are experimenting with fiberboard and flooring using ground-up feathers in the mix.
- Insulation- as in down comforters, jackets, pillows, etc.
- Some components of the feather are also used in diapers, plastics, and paper.
Summary About Chicken Feathers
Birds are unique, and feathers make them so. The feather has given them dominion over the skies.
We always notice things like the coloring of the feather- but next time you see a feather on the floor, pick it up and truly appreciate its beauty.
The outward beauty of the feathers is varied and can range from stunningly beautiful to drab; the most stunning plumage usually belongs to the male of the species.
Remember, when your hens molt, it takes a lot of their protein, so don’t be too upset if they stop laying for a few weeks!
What can I feed that is high in calcium?
Hi Laura,
Ground oyster shell is very good for calcium- I normally give them a handful every week or so!
How can I find out the Breed of my chicks thanks kim
If you email us some photos we will take a look for you 🙂
We are new to raising our girls! they were 1 year old when we got them – they were hand raised by my husbands sister. They are vocal, love following us around and have adjusted well to their new surroundings. One of the girls was stuck under a fence (before we got her) maybe for a while. They found her and got her out. She is having a problem with laying eggs or at least we think it is her. one of them is laying an egg without a shell sometimes there is a yolk sometimes not. What can we do to help her out? It happens daily too. The others are laying on a regular schedule and some of these eggs are huge!! But we are worried about her, she eats fine, loves to talk to us too! Thanks for your help!
Hi Joyce,
If she is laying eggs without a shell, it tends to mean they aren’t getting enough grit in their diet. Have you tried feeding them oyster shell?
How many primary and secondary feathers does a chicken have? Also, my Favorelle chicken doesn’t really have feathers on her feet like she is supposed to. She lives with 2 bantams. I think the bantams may be pecking at her feet but I am not sure. Is there anything I can do so she has more leg feathers?
Archaeopteryx were ‘huge terrifying beasts’.
They were about the size of a Raven.
One of my girls has been attacked by something, there is no obvious puncture wound but her comb and waddle were cut and some cuts round her eye. I cleaned her with some salt water but shes not a lap hen so didn’t want to distress her more by holding on to her. Shes eating and drinking, will her comb and waddle heal
how can I tell which of my chickens are laying and which are not.
I’m seeking your advice on few issues as follows:
1. How to reduce chicken mortality?
2. I want to know more about the best vitamins for faster chicken growth.
3. Treatment for various chicken sickness.
My 5 chickens laid 5 eggs all the winter and it’s only now when Spring is here that there are often only 3 maybe 4. I have gotten three exceptionally small eggs in the year I’ve had them too. How does that happen?