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Chicken Predators: Signs of Attack and Prevention

Just last week, mid-day, I noticed my hens clucking far out from the coop, not just one hen, multiple. They would also idle by the chicken coop but not enter the run. A chicken predator during the day is not common in this area, but I immediately went to check. Sure enough, a younger opossum […]

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25 of the Best Chicken Facts (Binocular Vision, Dinosaurs and More)

25 of the Best Chicken Facts (Binocular Vision, Dinosaurs and More) Blog Cover

This weeks’ focus is on chicken facts that perhaps you didn’t know. Most of us know about our ladies in a general way, but we have been digging around to find lesser known facts about our feathered friends! Surprisingly, it was hard to narrow down the list to 25 – there are lots of interesting […]

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The Definitive List of Chicken Treats: What Can Chickens Eat?

chicken treats

We all love to give our hens tidbits, but just what can chickens eat? I’m sure you’ve wondered what treats you can safely give to chickens, so we have put together this definitive list containing over 200 snacks. If you want to search for a specific snack you can use our tool below. Or you […]

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Newcastle Disease In Poultry: What It Is, and Why There Was A Massive Culling of Poultry in California

newcastle disease

Imagine waking up to a knock on the door, and a slew of people alleged to be government officials alert you that your entire flock of beloved chickens is scheduled to be destroyed. In 2019 many California residents had to face a bleak reality. It was a Newcastle disease outbreak (vND). The disease started on […]

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Blue Chicken Eggs and Blue Egg Layers (Up To 300 per Year!)

Chickens That Lay Blue Eggs Blog Cover

Chickens that lay blue eggs are few and far between. As we shall see, getting blue eggs is a bit more complex than getting a brown or white egg. It is a genetic trait and one that has become very popular over the last few years! Almost everyone enjoys a variety of colors in the […]

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Preparing For The Arrival Of Your New Chicks

Preparing For The Arrival Of Your New Chicks

You have chosen your breeds, placed your order and are waiting for the arrival of your new chickens. Now what? Well, instead of sitting and waiting, you should make sure you have everything you need and that it works well in advance of the arrival of your chicks! There are a few things specific to […]

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A History of Chickens: Then (1900) Vs Now (2022)

history of chickens

When talking about the history of chickens, the chickens today are spoiled beyond belief compared to Grandmas’ hens. Hens of the past (1900s) had no regular access to essential commodities such as water and feed- this severely limited their egg-laying rate and also the size which they grew. The chicken wasn’t considered a necessary ‘livestock’ […]

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5 Best Types of Chicken and Chick Brooders and Heaters

5 Different Types of Chicken Coop Heaters (+ Our Favorite) Blog Cover

This is one of those chicken topics where everyone has an opinion, and their opinion is always right! Chicken coop heaters. Heating the coop has always been a source of endless discussion among chicken folk. Old-timers will tell you that you don’t have to heat the coop. However, there are occasions when heat is appropriate. […]

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10 Breeds of Chicken That Will Lay Lots of Eggs for You

egg laying chicken breeds

For many people, the main incentive for raising backyard chickens is a fresh supply of eggs. I still remember walking down to my chickens’ nesting boxes for the first time and picking up those warm fresh eggs! Knowing the chicken breeds that lay lots of eggs is important. Quick Look At Our 10 Best Egg […]

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Quail Feeders: 4 Most Common

quail feeders

It’s fine and dandy for quail to be messy eaters in the wild, but their instinct to make a mess of their quail feeders isn’t conducive for confined quail. Quail tend to waste feed by violently rummaging through their crumbles about—with their heads. Quail are natural foragers, and their main diet consists of grains, seeds, […]

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