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Double Yolk Eggs: Causes, Safety and Other Egg Laying Anomalies

Double Yolk Eggs

The ‘egg factory’ situated in the hen is an intricate mechanism that usually functions exceedingly well for the first couple of years before gradually slowing down in the mature hen. Occasionally there are hiccups in the ‘factory’, and it can produce double yolk eggs and many other egg abnormalities. The odds of a double-yolk egg […]

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Newcastle Disease In Poultry: What It Is, and Why There Was A Massive Culling of Poultry in California

newcastle disease

Imagine waking up to a knock on the door, and a slew of people alleged to be government officials alert you that your entire flock of beloved chickens is scheduled to be destroyed. In 2019 many California residents had to face a bleak reality. It was a Newcastle disease outbreak (vND). The disease started on […]

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Diarrhea in Backyard Chickens: Causes, Treatment and Care

diarrhea in chickens

There are several different causes of diarrhea in chickens. Some are pretty normal and will resolve themselves independently, yet others can be problematic. Seeing it for the first time can be quite alarming! In this article, we will look at the causes of diarrhea and explain what you can do to help your birds. Our […]

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