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Sussex Chicken: Breed Information, Care Guide, Egg Color and More

Sussex Chicken Breed Information, Care Guide, Egg Color and More copy

The Sussex breed has been with us as an endearing and beloved hen for at least a few centuries. It has been bred as a dual-purpose hen, excelling at both. It has an exciting history and has endured through the ups and downs of the poultry world fads. The Sussex has enjoyed steady, if not […]

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Blue Laced Red Wyandotte: Egg Production, Temperament and More…

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Although we recently did an article on the Wyandotte chicken, we have received a lot of inquiries about the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. The Blue Laced Red Wyandotte is perhaps the prettiest Wyandotte. So here’s an article on this beautifully marked bird just for those who think it’s ‘the bomb’. In this article, we discuss […]

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Double Yolk Eggs: Causes, Safety and Other Egg Laying Anomalies

Double Yolk Eggs

The ‘egg factory’ situated in the hen is an intricate mechanism that usually functions exceedingly well for the first couple of years before gradually slowing down in the mature hen. Occasionally there are hiccups in the ‘factory’, and it can produce double yolk eggs and many other egg abnormalities. The odds of a double-yolk egg […]

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Cochin Chicken: Breed Profile, Care Guide and More…

Cochin Breed

The big, fluffy Cochin chicken begs to be picked up and cuddled! They have been seducing people for a long time and aren’t about to stop anytime soon! They have been described as ‘head-to-toe feathers’ – an apt description for these beautifully feathered birds. People cannot pass them by without remarking on them. These sweet […]

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Buff Orpington All You Need To Know: Temperament and Egg Laying

Buff Orpington

Is there another breed that more quintessentially says English barnyard hen than a Buff Orpington? People almost always picture a plump, stately, beautifully feathered hen going about her business in the barnyard as if she owns the place and is most definitely not in a hurry! As we shall see, the Orpington is a fairly […]

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Lavender Orpington: Breed Information, Care Guide, Egg Color and More

Lavender Orpington: All You Need To Know

Our recent article on the Buff Orpington was well received and prompted folks to ask about Lavender Orpingtons – it seems that lavender is the ‘in’ color at the moment! Orpingtons come in a large variety of colors and patterns. These past couple of years have seen a steady rise in interest for Lavender and […]

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How Chickens Make Eggs and 3 Common Egg Laying Problems

How Chickens Make Eggs and 3 Common Egg Laying Problems Blog Cover

An egg contains a phenomenal amount of nutrition for its size, but you already knew that right? An average egg contains a mere 75 calories but gives you 7g protein, 5g fat, and 1.5g of saturated fat. In addition, it gives you vitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, choline, carotenoids and cholesterol! And […]

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The Best Egg Incubator: How To Choose (And Use It Properly) [Updated]


Once you get an egg incubator, I think you can officially be labeled a ‘chicken addict’! I always said I would never get an incubator – now I have two. The fun of hatching your own chicken eggs is like having Christmas every day. There are lots of different types of incubators out there, ranging […]

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Belgian D’Uccle: Mille Fleur Variety, Egg Laying and More…

Belgian D’Uccles - desert chicken breeds

Chickens don’t come any cuter than Belgian D’Uccles – but I am biased, of course! If only one breed I could keep, they would be it. Also known as Barbu D’Uccles, these pint-sized birds have personality by the bucketful. They love your company and will often fly up to your arm or shoulder to sit […]

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Delaware Chicken: Care, Egg Laying and Pictures

delaware chicken

Delaware chickens are a relatively new breed of chicken to the chicken world. In the 1940s it was all set to become the broiler industry ‘superstar’, but things went awry and Delaware languished and fell into obscurity. They are only around today thanks to a few dedicated individuals who kept and raised this breed. In […]

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