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Chicken Molting: What Is It and How to Help Your Hens With It

chicken molting - poor feather condition may cause sunburn

The autumn leaves are falling from the trees and feathers are falling from your chickens. Chicken molting, what is it? Shorter days and cooler temperatures trigger an automatic response in the chickens and so they molt, shedding the old and acquiring glossy new feathers. This article is a guide to what to expect, how to […]

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Are You Buying A Pullet or Hen? How to Tell the Difference

pullets or hens

With spring just around the corner, many new and experienced chicken keepers will be venturing out to purchase new chicks for the first time or add more chicks to their existing flock. Some of the most common jargons you will hear when buying new hens: is pullets, hens and point of lay. If you are […]

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The Best Egg Incubator: How To Choose (And Use It Properly) [Updated]


Once you get an egg incubator, I think you can officially be labeled a ‘chicken addict’! I always said I would never get an incubator – now I have two. The fun of hatching your own chicken eggs is like having Christmas every day. There are lots of different types of incubators out there, ranging […]

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Backyard Chickens and Bird Flu

Backyard Chickens and Bird Flu How to Spot It and Why It Matters Blog Cover

In recent days, the U.S. Department of Agriculture had identified instances of deadly bird flu in U.S. flocks, putting the poultry industry on high alert. At the same time, an outbreak was also confirmed in a backyard flock of birds in Fauquier County, Va. In December of 2014, the bird flu (also known as Avian […]

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Is It Safe To Feed My Chickens Table Scraps?

chickens and kitchen scraps

Many first-time chicken keepers ask a common question: “Can I feed my chickens table scraps/leftovers”? We have recently had several people email and ask us this, so today, we are going to delve down and take a look. We have touched upon what to feed (or not feed) chickens in our previous blog post: why […]

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Is It Safe To Eat Fertilized Eggs?

fertilized chicken egg

Let’s not beat around the bush here. Yes, fertilized eggs are safe to eat.  For both you and the egg, well, the egg is kind of out of luck, but there’s nothing wrong with you can eat a fertilized egg.  The truth is, if you buy eggs from the grocery store, you aren’t going to […]

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Why You’re Feeding Your Chickens To Death And How To Stop It

feeding chickens to death

We all love our chickens and want to do what’s best for them. I know I love nothing more than spoiling them with kitchen scraps and homemade treats, but did you ever stop to think you might be feeding your chickens to death? Over-feeding your girls can lead to obesity and a whole lot of […]

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Sour Crop in Chickens: What is it And How to Treat it

Sour Crop in Chickens- What is it And How to Treat it

What is a sour crop? We all hear about it from time to time but hopefully will never experience it with our hens. We will delve into what it is, how to treat it and how to avoid it in the future. Also, we’re going to look at impacted crops, which is something a bit […]

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The Pecking Order: What Is It and How to Avoid Problems in Your Flock

Pecking Order in Chickens

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘the pecking order. In our mind’s eye, we likely see colleagues and co-workers neatly arranged in order of ‘merit.’ From the CEO down to the janitor, everyone has a place in the ‘pecking order. The term ‘pecking order’ was first coined in 1921 by Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe to describe the hierarchy […]

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What Exactly Is a Broody Hen and How to Stop It?

broody hen

Your hen is squawking whenever you approach her, and she won’t leave her nesting box. What’s wrong, is she ill? Far from it, and chances are she is just a broody and wants chicks. If you aren’t planning on having chicks, this can be problematic because the hen in question will stop laying eggs. Whatever […]

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