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6 Easy Ways to Break a Broody Hen

6 Easy Ways to Break a Broody Hen

I have to smile at this article about the broody hen.  Since I currently have two hens determined to be broody! Fortunately for us Northern chicken keepers, broodiness is pretty much confined to the summer months. Broody hens can mean trouble for your flock and egg supply! To make matters worse, broodiness can often spread […]

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How To Hatch Eggs With A Broody Hen

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As springtime rolls around again, we will all doubtless see articles on how to break a broody hen, but why should you need to? A hen is the ultimate top choice in the incubation and rearing of chicks, so why do many people choose to not have broody hens around? The motherhood instinct is triggered […]

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What Exactly Is a Broody Hen and How to Stop It?

broody hen

Your hen is squawking whenever you approach her, and she won’t leave her nesting box. What’s wrong, is she ill? Far from it, and chances are she is just a broody and wants chicks. If you aren’t planning on having chicks, this can be problematic because the hen in question will stop laying eggs. Whatever […]

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