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Just How Loud Are Roosters? 5 Myths Debunked

Just How Loud Are Roosters? 5 Myths Debunked Blog Cover

This question is perennial and comes up frequently, so we decided to take some time to answer the question and give the roosters a break from all the bad press they get! Folks tend to say roosters are very noisy – and yes, they can be, but not as noisy as you might think… While […]

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How Long Are Eggs Good For?

How Long Are Eggs Good For?

As chicken keepers, we all enjoy the luxury of freshly laid eggs. It is something you take for granted when you have your supply. Have you ever wondered how long eggs will stay fresh? Or how long those store-bought ‘fresh eggs’ have been there? Today we will look at how long eggs stay fresh and […]

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Are Herbicides and Pesticides Safe for Chickens?

Are Herbicides and Pesticides Safe for Chickens

You love your chickens and your lawn, but even more, you love watching your chickens enjoy your lawn. However, you absolutely hate weeds and pests! You want a beautiful lawn and kill every tick that moves. Many products are available to rid your lovely lawn of unsightly weeds and the insects that damage your garden. […]

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Are You Prepared For A Chicken Emergency? How to Create a Backup Plan

Are You Prepared For Chicken Trouble Blog Cover

Today we will look at a few of the problems and issues of caring for chickens. Of course, these issues don’t arise solely for chickens but for any livestock you care for, even pets. Your animals and birds rely on you to feed, water, and house them, so it’s impossible to ‘drop the ball’ and ignore their […]

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Why Chickens are Foundational To Homesteading

The Happy Chicken Coop FEATURE IMAGE_homestead chicken foundational

If you are passionate about homesteading and looking for the best way to get your feet wet,  the chicken is the place to begin your journey. Chickens are absolutely foundational to homesteading, and this can be seen in nearly every aspect of what they can provide for your farm.  Homesteading is considered a mindset in […]

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Are You Buying A Pullet or Hen? How to Tell the Difference

pullets or hens

With spring just around the corner, many new and experienced chicken keepers will be venturing out to purchase new chicks for the first time or add more chicks to their existing flock. Some of the most common jargons you will hear when buying new hens: is pullets, hens and point of lay. If you are […]

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How To Tell Which Hens Are Laying Eggs

how to tell which hen is laying eggs

You have hens laying eggs, but minimal eggs – why is that? What’s happening? It could be environmental, nutritional, seasonal, or just a particular breed of bird. Sometimes you aren’t even sure which hens are laying – or not. Today we are going to look at how you can check to see which of your […]

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How Are Chicken Eggs Fertilized

chicken eggs are fertilized

We all know that you don’t need a rooster to get an egg, right? Our hens will lay an egg daily with or without any assistance from the male sex. However, if you want fertilized chicken eggs, you will need a rooster to perform his duties with your hens, which he will be happy to […]

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Wyandotte Chickens: Are They Right For Your Flock?


The Wyandotte is one of Americas’ favorite hens. Created in the North-Eastern US it is a firm favorite of many homesteaders for its reliability in producing eggs and meat. It has the distinction of being the first American breed specifically bred to be dual purpose. It is a beautifully marked heritage bird. Sadly, it fell […]

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The Simple Way to Tell How Old Your Chickens Are

how old are your chickens

Most people know the approximate age of their birds when they first get them. But how do you know their age if you are given some birds or rescue some? Knowing the age of your chickens is crucial. Without it, it isn’t easy to know their egg-laying ability, what to feed them and what their […]

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