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5 Common Chicken Diseases and Treatment for Them

Chicken Diseases 5 Common Flock Problems And How To Treat Them Blog Cover

Today’s topic is common chicken diseases and problems found in your flock that you can usually treat at home. Some of the diseases and problems that can plague chickens are easily dealt with at home using common remedies that you likely have in your medicine chest. As we all know, running off to the veterinary […]

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How To Identify, Treat, and Prevent Chicken Lice

chicken lice

It might seem strange to learn that even chickens can become infested with lice. They eat bugs, after all, but these external parasites are not the typical run-of-the-mill chicken treat-type bug. They spread fast and can cause severe problems for the entire flock. Identifying an infestation early, and treating the flock quickly, is extremely important […]

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Coccidiosis in Chickens – How To Identify And Treat

Coccidiosis In Chickens

If your chickens start acting ill, your mind might start racing with all the things that could be going wrong.  Coccidiosis is a prevalent killer in chickens, and it’s pretty easy to identify and treat if you know how to catch it quickly.  Read on to learn everything you need to know about coccidiosis in […]

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7 Natural Ways to Treat Chicken Mites and Stop Them Returning

7 Natural Ways to Treat Chicken Mites and Stop Them Returning

I’m betting that some of you are already going ‘eww’ and have started scratching! The good news is that chicken mites live on chickens (in general) – not people. Although they can and will bite you, possibly causing local skin irritation. If left untreated, mites can be extremely harmful to your chickens and can even […]

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Sour Crop in Chickens: What is it And How to Treat it

Sour Crop in Chickens- What is it And How to Treat it

What is a sour crop? We all hear about it from time to time but hopefully will never experience it with our hens. We will delve into what it is, how to treat it and how to avoid it in the future. Also, we’re going to look at impacted crops, which is something a bit […]

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