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10 Best Chicken Show Breeds (And Why They’re a Keeper!)

best chicken show breeds featured image

If you’re here wondering what are the best chicken show breeds to keep, this article has got you covered. But just a short story… My husband and I attended our local Fall Fair years before keeping chickens. There, in a stuffy, converted shack, is where the Show Birds were held. We’d walk through the isles […]

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Buff Orpington All You Need To Know: Temperament and Egg Laying

Buff Orpington

Is there another breed that more quintessentially says English barnyard hen than a Buff Orpington? People almost always picture a plump, stately, beautifully feathered hen going about her business in the barnyard as if she owns the place and is most definitely not in a hurry! As we shall see, the Orpington is a fairly […]

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Lavender Orpington: Breed Information, Care Guide, Egg Color and More

Lavender Orpington: All You Need To Know

Our recent article on the Buff Orpington was well received and prompted folks to ask about Lavender Orpingtons – it seems that lavender is the ‘in’ color at the moment! Orpingtons come in a large variety of colors and patterns. These past couple of years have seen a steady rise in interest for Lavender and […]

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Grey Chicken Breeds

Grey Chicken Breeds

There are quite a few breeds out there that look grey, so if you’re looking for one of these beautiful birds you have quite a few options to pick from! Most have feathers that are composed of various shades ranging from almost black to pale silver and others are more uniform or even extravagantly patterned. […]

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17 Best Blue Chicken Breeds for Your Flock

17 Best Blue Chicken Breeds for Your Flock

Blue is a very common and very old color variation in chickens and is being bred into more and more breeds each year. There’s no question why – blue is absolutely gorgeous in chickens! Luckily this popularity is making it easier and easier to find and anyone can add a fun splash of color to […]

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14 Black Chicken Breeds You Can Easily Raise

Ayam Cemani black chicken breed

Our color theme for this article is black chicken breeds! There are some gorgeous ‘Goth’ chickens out there, so we decided to showcase some for your pleasure. The majority of these chickens can be found quite easily on hatchery sites or even private sellers. There are, of course, several more black breeds, but they are […]

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Orpington All You Need To Know: Personality and Egg Color

orpington chicken

The Orpington has become a well-loved favorite among the chicken crowd – deservedly so. She not only lays lots of beautiful eggs but is generally a laid-back, quintessential backyard hen. This breed was created in England turning the last part of the 1800s’ by a man who had a slightly different vision of chickens than […]

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