In a heartbreaking incident that took place a year ago, a man from Killahornia, Ireland, lost his life after being viciously attacked by an “aggressive” Brahma chicken residing on his property. The incident, reported by The Irish Examiner, has highlighted the importance of understanding animal behavior and ensuring safety around them. Let us delve into […]
10 Best Chicken Show Breeds (And Why They’re a Keeper!)
If you’re here wondering what are the best chicken show breeds to keep, this article has got you covered. But just a short story… My husband and I attended our local Fall Fair years before keeping chickens. There, in a stuffy, converted shack, is where the Show Birds were held. We’d walk through the isles […]
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Brahma Chicken: Size, Egg Laying, Height and More…
Brahma Chicken: Size, Egg Laying, Height, and More… The majestic Brahma is an old breed with its roots far back in time; as with many heritage breeds, the exact genetic makeup of this bird is unknown. Historians have reconstructed the likely origins of this noble bird from clues left in the poultry books and journals […]
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