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Aggressive Brahma Rooster Kills Ireland Man

Brahma chicken - one of the largest and aggressive chicken breed in the world

In a heartbreaking incident that took place a year ago, a man from Killahornia, Ireland, lost his life after being viciously attacked by an “aggressive” Brahma chicken residing on his property. The incident, reported by The Irish Examiner, has highlighted the importance of understanding animal behavior and ensuring safety around them. Let us delve into […]

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Most Aggressive (And Dangerous) Chicken Breeds to Watch Out

A brown chicken with its mouth open

Chickens are not typically known for being aggressive animals. In fact, most chicken breeds are quite docile and make great pets. However, there are a few chicken breeds that are notoriously aggressive and can pose a danger to both people and other animals. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the most aggressive […]

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