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Blue Laced Red Wyandotte: Egg Production, Temperament and More…

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Although we recently did an article on the Wyandotte chicken, we have received a lot of inquiries about the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. The Blue Laced Red Wyandotte is perhaps the prettiest Wyandotte. So here’s an article on this beautifully marked bird just for those who think it’s ‘the bomb’. In this article, we discuss […]

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Buff Orpington All You Need To Know: Temperament and Egg Laying

Buff Orpington

Is there another breed that more quintessentially says English barnyard hen than a Buff Orpington? People almost always picture a plump, stately, beautifully feathered hen going about her business in the barnyard as if she owns the place and is most definitely not in a hurry! As we shall see, the Orpington is a fairly […]

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Light Brahma Chicken: Origin, Temperament, and Characteristics

Light Brahma Chicken

Light Brahma chicken is one of the majestic variations of the “King of Chicken Breeds” — the Brahmas. It’s hard not to fall for this bird’s charm due to the striking contrast of black and white in its hackle feathers and tail and its immaculate, elegant overall look. But will this giant bird make an […]

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The White Rock Chicken: Egg Laying, Temperament, and Broodiness

white rock chicken

The White Rock chicken is an all-star chicken that will get the job done on the farm, and serve up dinner too. This American breed originated in Massachusetts and was named after Plymouth Rock. While the White Rock is often referred to as a breed on its own, it is actually a variety of the […]

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New Hampshire Chicken All You Need To Know: Color Varieties and Temperament

New hampshire chicken

Although they look very similar to the Rhode Island Red, the New Hampshire chicken never attained the Rhode Island Red’s runaway success. It was overshadowed by the success of the Rhode Island Red, even though they created the two just several years apart. The fact that they look very similar may have had something to […]

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The Red Star Chicken: Egg Laying, Temperament, and Broodiness

Red Star chicken

The Red Star Chicken is the superstar of the egg-production industry. This chicken is hands-down the rockstar, and it’s no wonder it has such a unique name to go along with its abilities. The Red Star is not an actual breed, but instead, she is a super-duper, well-thought-out hybrid. They are also known as Sex-Link, […]

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Golden Laced Wyandotte: Egg Laying, Broodiness and Temperament

gold laced wyandotte

The Golden Laced Wyandotte is possibly one of America’s most beautiful and beloved chickens and one that is hard to mistake with its stunning plumage. It is a breed that was created in the fairly recent past by poultry farmers looking for a homegrown dual-purpose chicken. At the time there were few truly dual-purpose breeds […]

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Silver Laced Wyandotte: Egg Production, Temperament and More…

silver laced wyandotte

The creation of the Wyandotte breed came about from the desire to have a chicken breed that was suitable as an ‘all-rounder’ – that is, for both eggs and table fare. Wyandotte’s are good layers of light to dark brown eggs averaging about 200 eggs/year. Of course, other colors came along later, but the Silver […]

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The Minorca Chicken: Egg Laying, Broodiness, and Temperament

minorca chicken

Initially, from Spain, the Minorca chicken made her way to the US and into the hearts of backyard poultry enthusiasts, and with good reason: Who needs to wait for double-yolks when you have a Minorca?  This beautiful chicken lays some of the largest eggs out of all the standard breeds. So if you are looking […]

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Speckled Sussex: Egg Production, Temperament and More…

speckled sussex

The Speckled Sussex is an old-time favorite in its homeland of England. It has endured over the centuries to become a firm favorite with a dedicated following. Although other varieties of Sussex fowl were in danger of dying out in the early 1900s, a few die-hard poultry keepers kept the lines going, greatly improving on […]

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