I Want My Free E-Book On Egg Laying Chickens

Blue Chicken Eggs and Blue Egg Layers (Up To 300 per Year!)

Chickens That Lay Blue Eggs Blog Cover

Chickens that lay blue eggs are few and far between. As we shall see, getting blue eggs is a bit more complex than getting a brown or white egg. It is a genetic trait and one that has become very popular over the last few years! Almost everyone enjoys a variety of colors in the […]

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10 Breeds of Chicken That Will Lay Lots of Eggs for You

egg laying chicken breeds

For many people, the main incentive for raising backyard chickens is a fresh supply of eggs. I still remember walking down to my chickens’ nesting boxes for the first time and picking up those warm fresh eggs! Knowing the chicken breeds that lay lots of eggs is important. Quick Look At Our 10 Best Egg […]

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5 Beginner Hens That Lay Lots of Eggs

5 Beginner Hens That Lay Lots of Eggs Blog Cover

So you have decided you want hens. You have been leafing through catalogs, trawling the internet and buying magazines that feature chickens and visiting farm stores almost daily- it has become an obsession! But the big question remains… which breed to choose? There are so many different breeds out there. There are chickens that are […]

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