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Chicken Predators: Signs of Attack and Prevention

Just last week, mid-day, I noticed my hens clucking far out from the coop, not just one hen, multiple. They would also idle by the chicken coop but not enter the run. A chicken predator during the day is not common in this area, but I immediately went to check. Sure enough, a younger opossum […]

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Egg Bound Chicken: All You Need To Know

Egg Bound Chicken- All You Need To Know

Egg binding is a serious problem and can lead to the death of the hen. Many times though, with proper intervention and care, hens can go on to live a good, long life giving you lots of nutritious eggs! An egg-bound chicken has unique symptoms which you can easily spot if you know what to […]

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Cause And Prevention Of Soft Shells and Rubber Eggs

cause and prevention of soft shell rubbery eggs

Imagine reaching into your nesting box and feeling a soft, rubbery…something. What in the world? Yes, it’s a shell-less egg in between all your lovely breakfast eggs. So, what does this mean? Is there something wrong with your hen? Not necessarily, but there are things you can do to prevent your hen’s eggs from looking […]

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