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Best Chicken Breeds For Hobby Farms

flock of hens in a farm--how to save money when keeping chickens

Are you considering starting a hobby farm? Well, there are many things to consider when starting one– and selecting the right chicken breed (or breeds) should be a priority! Chickens can be an extremely beneficial addition to your small-scale farm. Choosing the best breed for your particular situation is critical in ensuring they provide full […]

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How Many People Have Gotten Chickens in the Past Five Years?

How many chickens in the past five years

How many people have gotten chickens in the past five years? The answer might surprise you. Thinking about getting chickens in 2022? If so, you aren’t alone. In the last five years, especially in the last year, raising backyard chickens has exploded. There are several reasons why. The statistics alone prove something you probably already […]

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