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Can Chickens Eat Mango?

Can Chickens Eat Mango

Mangoes are one of the most popular fruits in the world, a global phenomenon often referred to as the “King of fruits”. But this tasty goodness has 14% sugar by weight. So can chickens eat mango fruit?

The answer is YES, but not all parts of a mango fruit are safe for chicken consumption.

So before throwing a ripe mango to your flock, join us as we unveil the answer to the questions:

  • can chickens eat mango skins, pits, seeds, peels and flesh
  • is mango safe for chickens to eat
  • and how chickens can benefit from mangoes

This can help you weigh in if it’s worth it to feed your fave mangoes to your flock.

So without further ado, let’s get into it!

Can Chickens Eat Mango Fruit?

Yes, chickens can eat mango fruit. Like other fruits, mangoes are also a good source of minerals and vitamins. Besides, they can provide some variety to a chicken’s diet. 

But why do chickens eat mango?

Mangoes aren’t just tasty; they’re loaded with nutrients too!

However, it’s important to remember that chickens should not eat too much fruit, which can upset their digestive system and cause health problems. 

But are all part of mango fruit edible for your feathered friends? Well, let’s find out more about it. 

Can chickens eat mango skin

Can Chickens Eat Mango Skins or Peels?

We usually remove the mango skin before taking a bite, even if it’s edible. Why?

The first reason is that it tastes bad. It has an unpleasant scent and taste compared to the flesh.

Moreover, some people are also allergic to the peels. But mango skin is actually packed with many nutrients.

But what about your chickens? Can chickens eat mango peels? Yes, they can freely eat the skin of mango. But will they like the taste? We’ll never know unless we try feeding it to them.

However, before eating the skin, here are a few things you should consider to ensure your bird’s safety. 

Free From Pesticides

As far as we know, mangoes are exposed to pesticides and other chemicals. 

From the start of the mango tree flowering, growers spray chemicals to preserve the flowers and prevent pest attacks. They constantly do it until the fruits are ready for harvest.

So, mangoes, especially from the market, are not chemical-free, either ripe or not. That’s why we must wash it before eating to remove excess chemicals.

Even though mango skin is edible, we should not eat it if it’s exposed to chemicals. The same goes for your chickens. 

Since they can’t tell if it’s chemical-free or not, and they can’t peel it for themselves, you are the one who’s responsible for doing it.

No Allergic Reaction

Another thing you must consider is whether your chickens have any allergic reactions to the mango peels. Why? 

The skin of a mango contains urushiol. It is an organic compound that causes an allergenic reaction. Besides mangoes, this compound can also be found in poison ivy and Lacquer trees.

To prevent this allergenic reaction, we suggest removing the peel before eating or serving it to your feathery friends.

Can Chickens Eat Mango Pits?

The mango pits are the outer layer of the mango seeds. It is a thin and soft layer that covers the inner kernel. Can chickens eat mango pits?

Yes, chickens can eat the pits. However, only in an unripe mango seed because it is still soft and can be picked by chicken’s beak. 

On the other hand, when the mango becomes ripe, its seed will turn hard and difficult to break. 

Can chickens eat mango seed

Can Chickens Eat Mango Seeds?

Since the mango pits are edible, there is a possibility that your chickens will also pick the seeds. However, it’s unlikely to happen because it tastes bad compared to the flesh. 

The seed is edible but still harmful because it contains cyanide, a toxic compound. If taken, it can cause gastrointestinal distress, tremors, stumbling, weakness, and seizures. 

If chickens take too much cyanide from the mango seed, it can lead to heart issues, respiratory changes, and even death. So, it’s better to avoid feeding your poultry birds with the mango seed. 

Can Chickens Eat Mango Trees?

Definitely, no, they can’t. No other animals like to eat trees other than the woodpeckers. 

The only edible parts of the mango tree for chickens are the fruits and leaves. Besides, even if it’s edible, it’s unlikely that chickens will take a peck on it.

Can chickens eat mango leaves

Can Chickens Eat Mango Leaves?

In other countries, some cultures eat een the mango leaves. Yes, you heard it right. Mango leaves could be edible. But is it safe for chickens?

Based on research, feeding mango leaves to broiler chickens greatly helps improve their growth performance. But it’s better to grind it refinedly to avoid.

However, it should only given in small amounts because, like the mango seed, it contains urushiol. 

If you want to avoid taking risks, it’s better not to try feeding the leaves or ask your trusted vet for a clearer guide.

Can Chickens Have Dried Mangoes?

Dried mangoes have the same nutrients as their fresh counterparts. The only difference is the texture – fresh mangoes are soft and watery, while dried ones are hard and crunchy.

Can chickens have dried mangoes? Definitely, yes. Dried ones are also safe for your chickens as long as it doesn’t have harmful ingredients.

Homemade dried mangoes are better. However, feeding a purchased one is risky because it might contain harmful substances like sulfur dioxide.

Besides, they might also contain too much sugar, which is not advisable for chickens. So, if you want to feed dried mango to your flocks, it’s better to make it yourself to ensure their safety.

Can Chickens Eat Red Mangoes?

Any variety of mangoes is safe for your feathered friends, depending on what is available in your area. 

It doesn’t matter whether it is red or yellow because they all have the same nutritional content.

Just remember that the skin and seeds of the mango are risky, so it’s best to offer the flesh only.

Can baby chickens eat mango

Can Baby Chickens Eat Mango?

Since mangoes are delicious and nutritious fruits, chicks can safely pick on them. Besides, they need those nutrients to build a healthy and strong body.

However, they should reach six weeks old before you introduce the mangoes. Additionally, because of their size, they should only have a small proportion because they can’t handle sugary foods yet.

Besides, it should be offered only as a treat. 

Mangoes can’t replace the chick starter feed as the main part of their diet.

Nutritional Benefits of Feeding Mango to Chickens

Mango is highly known for its delicious and nutrient contents. It’s an excellent treat not only for you and your family but also for your feathery friends. 

But what can mangoes offer to you and your flock?

Mangoes’ Nutritional Content

Mango mostly contains water and sugar. Some varieties have up to 83% water, so they’re denser. 

The rest of the nutrients are vitamins C, A, B, E, K, and folate. It also has carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, and many more.

To see the complete list and amount of nutrients in a 100g mango, check the table below based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s data.

Nutritional Content Amount per 100g
Water 83.46g
Total Carbohydrates

        – Dietary Fiber

        – Sugars


– 1.6g

– 13.66g

Calories 60kcal
Protein 0.82g
Total Fat 0.38g
Potassium, K 168mg
Vitamin C 36.4mg
Phosphorus, P 14mg
Calcium, Ca 11mg
Magnesium, Mg 10mg
Choline, total 7.6mg
Sodium, Na 1mg
Vitamin E 0.9mg
Niacin 0.669mg
Iron, Fe 0.16mg
Vitamin B-6 0.119mg
Copper, Cu 0.111mg
Zinc, Zn 0.09mg
Riboflavin 0.038mg
Thiamin 0.028mg
Selenium, Se 0.6µg
Folate, total 43µg
Vitamin A, RAE 54µg
Carotene, beta 640µg
Vitamin K 4.2µg

But how is it beneficial for your chooks?

Health Benefits to Chickens

Now let’s discuss the benefits chickens can get from mango fruits and leaves. 

Great Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that prevent oxidation. This oxidation is a chemical reaction that produces free radicals, an atom that can cause damage to cells,  illnesses, aging, and even death. 

In mango, the antioxidants are vitamins A, C, and E, beta carotene, and selenium. These compounds are essential to prevent free radicals on your flocks.

Supports Healthy Heart

The most important part of the human and animal body is the heart. A healthy heart means a good life. That’s why it needs more support.

Mango is a great source of magnesium and potassium. It supports the heart in maintaining pulse, lower blood pressure, and can help keep you relaxed.

Good for Digestion

Since chickens are not picky eaters, they might encounter indigestion. So, they need a strong digestive system to deal with that. 

The dietary fiber in mangoes can greatly help reduce the chance of constipation and maintain the bowel health of your chickens. 

Moreover, the water content of mangoes helps chickens stay hydrated during the hot season and even when they suffer diarrhea.

Help Boost Immunity

Aside from being good antioxidants, the vitamins A and C help boost your chicken’s immune system. Why is it important? 

Chickens are prone to diseases. Even if only one of your chickens gets sick, one after another will get sick. 

What’s worse is that they die easily, even if only a simple illness lands on them. That’s why they need more help from nutritious fruits like mango for prevention.

Excellent Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Besides the above-mentioned vitamins, mangoes also contain B vitamins and vitamin K. 

These two vitamins help support the various aspects of metabolism and help blood clotting to prevent bleeding.

On the other hand, minerals like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc help produce energy, build strong muscles and bones, and have strong shells and good egg production.

How to Feed Mango to Your Chickens

Feeding is the exciting part of raising chickens. Seeing them enjoy what you give them can make you feel happy and rewarded. But how should we feed mangoes to them?

Like other treats, feeding mangoes to your feathery friends doesn’t require much effort. But here are some tips and reminders when offering this tasty treat to your flock. 

1. Cut the mango into small pieces

Chickens have small beaks, so cutting them into small, bite-sized pieces they can easily eat is necessary. But you don’t need to worry if you slice it big because mangoes are soft and juicy, so chickens can easily pick them.

2. Remove the skin and pit

Based on what was mentioned above, though the skin and pit of the mango are edible, they are not safe for chickens to eat. So, remove them before feeding the mango to your chickens.

3. Offer in moderation

Though mango is very nutritious, it should be offered in moderation. Why? Instead of having a good effect on your chicken’s health, too much fruit can upset their digestive system and cause health problems.

4. Mix with their regular feed

Mango can be a great addition to your chicken’s diet, but it should not replace their regular feed. Besides, introducing new food to them is challenging because they might ignore it first. So, mixing the mango pieces with their regular feed is a better idea and helps create a balanced diet.

5. Put the mango in a clean container

Since mango is a watery and moist fruit, it easily gets dirty if you put it anywhere you want. So, it’s better to put it in a clean container or on your chicken feeder.

Doing these tips, you can safely feed mango to your chickens and provide them with a tasty treat.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Mango?

Absolutely, chickens can eat frozen foods or treats, like mangoes. In fact, freezing their food is a good way to help them beat the hit. 

However, if frozen, it will become hard, and chickens might choke up. So, it’s better to let it defrost first before serving since the cold will remain even after defrosting.

Can Chickens Eat Fresh Mango?

Yes, of course, they can feast on fresh mangoes.

In fact, it is best to serve fresh and organic mangoes to your flocks. Just ensure that it is clean and chemical-free and doesn’t have pits or peels.

Can Chickens Eat Raw Mango?

Mangoes don’t need to be cooked. In fact, they are more delicious if served raw than the processed ones.

So, can chickens have raw mangoes? Absolutely, yes.

Can Chickens Eat Old Mangoes?

Putting mangoes in the refrigerator is the best way to store them. 

But can chickens eat old mangoes? Yes, they can, as long as it’s not moldy or spoiled because it might upset their stomach or worse.

Chickens eating ripe mango

How Often to Feed Mango to Chickens

As mentioned earlier, mango should be offered to chickens in moderation. A good rule of thumb is to provide it as a treat once or twice a week in addition to their regular chicken feed

When feeding mangoes, please ensure that only up to 50g or 10% of your chicken’s food to avoid overfeeding. 

Other Fruits Chickens Can Eat

Chickens can eat a variety of fruits in addition to mangoes, including berries, apples, pears, bananas, watermelons, and grapes. 

However, never include the pits of an apple and pear because it contains cyanide that harms chickens.

Again, it’s important to offer these fruits in moderation as treats and always cut them into small pieces and remove any seeds or pits before feeding them to your chickens. 

Always remember that a balanced and varied diet will help ensure your chickens stay healthy and happy.

Can Chickens Eat Mango: The Final Recap

Chickens can eat mangoes. But you should avoid feeding them seeds because they contain a toxic compound called cyanide that causes adverse health effects to chickens.

You also need to ensure that it’s free from chemicals and that your poultry birds have no history of having allergic reactions to fruits like mangoes.

Furthermore, don’t overfeed them to avoid causing gastrointestinal issues.

Have you ever fed mangoes to your chooks?

How did they respond? Did they enjoy feasting on it? Let us know about your experiences in the comment section below.

READ NEXT: Can Chickens Eat Sunflower Seeds?

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