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Do Ducks Get Stressed? (Signs, Causes, & How to Help)

Do ducks get stressed? Featured image

Do ducks get stressed? Well, the straightforward answer is… Yes! And too much of it could be dangerous or even deadly for your beloved fowl. In this piece, we’ll dive into what causes stress in ducks, how to tell if your ducks are stressed, and how to help out your flock in times of stressful […]

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Clipping a Duck’s Wings: Importance + Step-by-Step Guide

wild duck flapping wings - clipping a duck's wings

Clipping a duck’s wings is a process that involves trimming the flight feathers on one wing to prevent the duck from flying while still allowing it to maintain balance and mobility. It is a common practice for domestic ducks to be kept in non-enclosed areas to prevent them from flying away or getting into potentially […]

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