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5 (+1 Bonus) Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Chicks

Young Chicks with Mama Hen

There are 5 major mistakes people make when purchasing chicks, of course, we all make more mistakes than that. We have narrowed it down to these major 5 – buying straight run when you only want eggs, buying meat bird chicks, buying an ornamental or game breed, buying from a shady source, or just flat […]

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Straight Run Chickens, Everything You Need to Know

Straight Run Chickens, Everything You Need to Know

The excitement of ordering your first clutch of chicks may end up causing some confusion upon their arrival. Especially if, a few months down the line, some of your layers start crowing.If this happens, you may have inadvertently ordered straight run chickens instead of all females. If you’re in a position to continue raising the surprise […]

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