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5 (+1 Bonus) Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Chicks

Young Chicks with Mama Hen

There are 5 major mistakes people make when purchasing chicks, of course, we all make more mistakes than that. We have narrowed it down to these major 5 – buying straight run when you only want eggs, buying meat bird chicks, buying an ornamental or game breed, buying from a shady source, or just flat […]

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10 Mistakes Made In Winter With Chickens

mistakes made with chickens in winter

Chicken owners need to know how to care for their flock when the weather outside gets colder. Some places might not get snow, but others get several feet of snow, and either way, preparing for winter is a wise thing for everyone. I will share ten different mistakes chicken owners make, why they are wrong, […]

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Top 10 Mistakes People Make Raising Chickens

Mistakes raising chickens

Being a new chicken owner is fun and exciting, and it is easy to become enamored with chickens and their adorable antics. Generally speaking, chickens are hearty little creatures that often take great care of themselves. But mistakes are made, and here are my top 10 mistakes people make raising chickens. Had I known what […]

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