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Ch. 6: Winterizing Your Chicken Run

Chapter Six Predator Proofing Your Chickens’ Run

Welcome to the sixth and final chapter of Keeping Chickens in the Winter: The Definitive Guide. In this chapter we will discuss how to make sure your chickens’ run is ready for the winter. During the winter you shouldn’t let your chickens free range: they should be kept in the coop/run area, and this is […]

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7 Best Chicken Coop Roof Ideas: Options and Roofing Materials

7 Best Chicken Coop Roof Ideas_ Options and Roofing Materials

Building a chicken coop may seem so simple at first. You already have an idea of what it will look like; now it’s just a matter of putting it together. But, if you’re anything like me, getting to the part where you put that chicken coop roof together can feel like a massive project. Especially […]

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6 Best Chicken Run Roof Ideas + (1 Bad Idea)

best chicken run roof ideas

If you’re reading this, you’re likely almost finished with your chicken coop and run endeavor. Deciding on a chicken run roof was one of the final decisions I made in my building journey, and I had several questions about it. So, I’ve compiled these thoughts and little lessons into a quick guide, which I hope […]

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10 Mistakes Made In Winter With Chickens

mistakes made with chickens in winter

Chicken owners need to know how to care for their flock when the weather outside gets colder. Some places might not get snow, but others get several feet of snow, and either way, preparing for winter is a wise thing for everyone. I will share ten different mistakes chicken owners make, why they are wrong, […]

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Raising Chicks in the Winter

raising chicks in the winter

Whether you want to get a jump start on raising chickens for the year, or maybe one of your hens decided to go broody right when the weather turned cold, you might have a lot of questions on how in the world you can raise little chicks in the winter! They can be pretty fragile, […]

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Cold Hardiness of Quails: How to Raise Quails in Winter

raising quail in winter

Are you planning to raise quails? Do you already own a few of these delightful birds? Either way, we are here to help teach you about the cold hardiness of quails.  Most people would prefer raising quails to chickens due to their minimum requirements. They would do well nesting on the ground, and they don’t […]

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Chapter Five: Chickens Molting During Winter

Chapter Five All You Need To Know About Chickens Molting

In the fifth chapter of The Definitive Guide To Keeping Chickens In Winter, we look at chickens molting in winter. So, you opened up the hen house in the morning and thought it was a crime scene from CSI. Feathers strewn around the floor in heaps…you think the worst! A predator killed the girls, but no, […]

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7 Chicken Breeds That Do Well in Cold Climates

Chicken Breeds That Do Well in Cold Climates

The winter weather here in upstate New York during the winter can be brutal, and certain breeds of chicken don’t survive here. It’s crucial that when you’re considering which breed of chicken to get, you take into account your local climate in addition to the bird’s natural climate. A mismatch of the two can prove […]

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Chickens And Cold or Freezing Temperatures

chickens in cold

Caring for chickens in the wintertime is perhaps one of the most important times to care for your hens. If you are new to raising chickens, you likely have a few questions about chickens and cold or freezing temperatures. How you go about this, and even if you have been raising chickens for a while, […]

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Chapter Two: How To Keep Chickens Laying Eggs During Winter

Chapter Two How To Keep Chickens Laying Eggs During Winter

One of the biggest problems backyard chicken owners face during the winter months is keeping their egg supply going. If you’ve kept chickens during the winter months before, you will know that, unfortunately, if you let nature take its course, your hens will stop laying completely during this period. I’ve raised chickens for over 7 […]

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