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What Causes Sudden Death In Ducks?

Are you a duck keeper? The sudden passing of your beloved pet can be an emotionally devastating experience, and understanding the underlying cause can help prevent future tragedies. While there are many possible causes of mortality in ducks, some issues may not appear until death has already occurred.  Let’s investigate what could be causing the […]

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Which Animal Bites the Heads Off Chickens?

Two main predators will bite the heads off of chickens and just leave the rest of the body behind. These culprits are raccoons and owls. Interested why this happens, and how you can prevent it? We cover that, and more, below.  Animals That Bites The Heads Off Of Chickens Raccoons Raccoons are intelligent critters that […]

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How to Keep Baby Goats Warm In Winter Without Electricity

Are your goats due to birth sometime in the cold part of the year?  It’s a wise idea to have a few electricity-free methods for warming those babies up, even if your barn does have electricity (because power outages happen).  Here are some best ways to warm goats and their babies up, even if your […]

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How to Incubate and Hatch a Quail Egg

Quail are quickly gaining popularity due to their rising fame on social media.  A quail has all of the benefits of a chicken, with very few downfalls, in a neat, easy-to-keep package. Quail are quiet, small, good egg-layers and can be successfully kept indoors.  Aspiring urban homesteaders have fallen in love with these tiny birds, […]

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How Long Do Roosters Live?

Most backyard roosters live to be five to ten years old if they are allowed to live until the end of their natural lives. Roosters that are commercially raised only live to be around six to ten weeks old; this is because about 4.61 billion roosters are butchered in the US annually by commercial growers. […]

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Which Chicken Lays Purple Eggs? 

So far, no breeds produce true purple eggs, even though some eggs come out a distinctly purple color. The purple color is due to the shade of the hen’s bloom; the purple color can be washed off. Still, some breeders are currently hard at work, breeding purple bloom-producing hens in an attempt to consistently create […]

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Why Do Foxes Kill Chickens and Leave Them?

Foxes are such beautiful and clever creatures, but that doesn’t mean they sometimes don’t cause us problems. One example of this is when a fox breaks into your chicken coop and kills several chickens in one night, only to leave them there untouched. This perplexing behavior can be quite frustrating, especially since we may not […]

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Can Chickens Eat Chocolate Cake?

It’s no secret that chocolate cake is a delicious dessert people all over the world enjoy. But what happens if that sweet treat goes bad or molds before you can eat it? Can chickens eat chocolate cake that you no longer want? The short answer is no; if you’re interested in why that is, read […]

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Do Chickens Have Nipples?

Despite having breasts (or a breast), chickens do not have nipples, and they do not produce milk.  Curious about chicken anatomy, physiology, and how chicks get their food? Read on!  Do Chickens Breastfeed? Chickens do not breastfeed their young. Instead, brand-new chicks get their nutrition from their egg yolk. Shortly after, they get their nutrition […]

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White Patches on Ducks

Have you noticed some new white spots on your ducks?  White patches on ducks’ feathers aren’t always a cause for concern, but they can signify various medical conditions. This is why it’s essential to take note if you spot them.  These white patches can range from small and isolated spots to larger areas of discoloration […]

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