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Chicken Waterer: What’s The Best One Your Flock Needs?

Chicken Waterer Which Type Does Your Flock Need

Chicken waterers, or drinkers, come in a dizzying variety of types, shapes and sizes. For the first-time chicken keeper it can be surprisingly overwhelming. Our objective today is to help you understand which type your flock needs. WATERER MATERIAL CAPACITY OUR RATING Little Giant Galvanized Steel Drinker Galvanized Steel 5 Gallon See Price RentACoop Chicken […]

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Male or Female Goat: What Should You Choose

male or female goat

A lot of people ask us if they should purchase a male or female goat. And usually, I just smile and say, “yes.” Because, when it comes to buying goats, the answer depends on the reason they’re purchasing a male or female goat, to begin with. If you’ve been wondering which goat gender to purchase, […]

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