I am always surprised when I’m asked this question. I suppose it’s a logical question for those not too familiar with poultry. Do I need a Rooster for hens to lay eggs? A rooster does serve a couple of useful purposes to the flock which can be a good thing for the hens and keeper […]
How to Keep Hens Cool on a Hot Summers Day
Here in the Northeast, we have been blessed with seemingly unending hot, humid days with little to no rain. For us humans, we simply retreat to the air-conditioned house, but what about your flock? Chickens can’t sweat like us, nor can they remove their feather jackets, so what can we do to help them keep […]
The Basics of Raising Healthy Hens
For those of you who don’t yet raise chickens, the life of a backyard chicken keeper can seem like a strange and confusing world. It doesn’t need to be though! In this article we talk you through exactly what hens need to be healthy and good egg layers. Many folks spoil their chickens in many […]
5 Beginner Hens That Lay Lots of Eggs
So you have decided you want hens. You have been leafing through catalogs, trawling the internet and buying magazines that feature chickens and visiting farm stores almost daily- it has become an obsession! But the big question remains… which breed to choose? There are so many different breeds out there. There are chickens that are […]