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Houdan Chicken Breed: Everything You Need to Know

Houdan Chicken

With its gorgeous black and white mottled pattern, calm disposition, stylish look, and table bird quality, the Houdan chicken has all it takes to get the spotlight in the poultry world. Yet, despite all its fantastic qualities, this majestic breed is often overlooked and is now on the brink of extinction. Others only see this […]

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Chicken Breeds With Five Toes

Chicken Breeds With Five Toes

When chickens have an extra toe, five instead of four, this is called polydactyl. Unlike humans (and nearly every other animal on earth with toes), the bones in the ankle are not considered part of their feet and toes. Chickens don’t have a fully formed calcaneum. For humans, the calcaneum is the bone that makes […]

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15 Most Popular Ornamental Chicken Breeds

Popular Ornamental Chicken Breeds

Ornamental chicken breeds are a variety that is not known for their egg or meat production but has value in their unique appearance or other characteristics. Many actually lay well, but the size and number of eggs are less than what your standard commercially viable chickens accomplish.  There are quite a few ornamental breeds available […]

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