There is an age-old debate surrounding the idea of washing fresh eggs, and there are really two ways of looking at it.
To understand why there are so many questions surrounding the great egg-washing debacle, we need to go over egg-washing concerns.
Why Wash Eggs
Rightfully so, egg-washing is a must. Period. And at this point, I think everyone pretty much agrees on that where the fog rolls in are when to wash your eggs and how to wash eggs.
You see, when it comes to chickens, everything comes out of the same hole. This isn’t the problem concerning hygiene, but what does cause a problem is when eggs come in contact with droppings or other environmental bacteria that can cause severe, sometimes deadly illnesses in those who consume them.
- Coli is just one of the deadly bacteria’s that can get into your eggs, especially when you crack them open without washing them.
- Salmonella
Do I Have to Wash Store-Bought Eggs?
If you have a fresh package of eggs from the grocery store, you can probably assume that the eggs have undergone rigorous washing procedures.
With that being said, you can never be too careful. Better safe than sorry, go ahead and give your eggs another scrub for good measure.
Can I Leave My Fresh Eggs Unwashed?
The wonderful thing about fresh eggs, right from the coop, is that they haven’t been washed. That, and they are incredibly fresh, of course.
Why is an unwashed egg a good thing, you ask?
Well, before a hen lays an egg, it’s coated in what’s referred to as a “bloom.”
The bloom, or cuticle, is a thin coating that covers the entire egg protects the insides from bacteria. In essence, it seals the egg, so developing chicks are protected from the elements.
Abloom also prevents excess moisture from leaving the egg, which also speaks to one of the reasons the “egg float” test is an excellent way to tell the age of the egg. The more air in the egg, the older it is.
It stands to reason that this very bloom protects the humans that consume the egg from getting sick on any bacteria that may have gotten into a washed (bloomless) egg.
Eggs from the grocery store do not have this bloom in place; thus, they must be refrigerated immediately and eaten much sooner than unwashed eggs.
Can I Leave My Fresh Eggs On the Counter?
If you were traumatized by a parent scolding you for eating the raw cookie dough, you are probably taken aback just at the thought of leaving an egg out of the refrigerator for any period of time.
But, it’s true, my fellow egg-lover. You can leave out fresh, unwashed eggs for a few weeks before they need to be refrigerated.
Think of it this way, if a chick needs the bloom to protect it from bacteria for at least 21 days before it hatches, well, it’s safe to assume the bloom protects the contents for at least that long.
Eggs start to go downhill after about two weeks, meaning they don’t taste as good as they did when they were fresh. So, it’s up to you how long you want to keep your eggs on the counter.
Either way, it’s important to always wash your eggs before cracking them open. If there are any droppings or other bacteria on them, proper washing will remove them and the bloom.
How To Wash Fresh Eggs
There are a couple of schools of thought regarding the best ways to wash your fresh eggs. So, let’s break them all down, and you can decide for yourself which method is best for you.
First, it’s crucial never to wash your eggs in cold water…ever.
When an egg is submerged in cold water, and the insides are warmer than the water, the pores open and pull bacteria in from the outside. So, now that the bloom is gone, the bacteria can easily pass into the portion of the egg you plan to consume.
Using Water to Clean Your Fresh Eggs
Most chicken lovers can’t stand how beautiful their hens’ eggs are. We marvel at them, take pictures of them, probably post them on Instagram. But there’s nothing worse than an egg that got kicked around in droppings, dirty water, or plain ole pooped on.
In any of these situations, you have to wash the egg. If you’d crack an egg open, and the contents came in contact with the outer shell, you could easily introduce bacteria to your food.
When your egg is full of poo, follow this method of cleaning it:
- In a bowl, add water that is warmer than the egg (not hot)
- Dip your egg into the water, and lightly wipe them clean
- Rinse the egg under running water
- Gently dry your egg
- Refrigerate or use immediately
This method does not use soaps or chemicals to clean the eggs; however, you can purchase egg-washing soaps online or from hatcheries. Some will also use vinegar to clean filthy eggs, but sometimes it is best to pass on extremely soiled eggs to be safe.
Lastly, ALWAYS inspect your eggs for small hairline cracks that may not have been visible before cleaning. If your eggs are cracked, toss them.
Look for dark lines and gently (gently) squeeze your egg to expose cracks that may have been invisible to the naked eye. In general, you should do this for all eggs before you cook them, not just visibly soiled eggs.
Cleaning Your Eggs Without Water
Dry cleaning eggs is not advisable, but some people believe that it is the safest way to go if you are trying to prevent bacteria from entering your egg. If your eggs are filthy, consider passing on them if you do not want to wash them in water.
The only time I might consider dry washing my eggs is if I will not be using them right away. I might try to remove some of the dirt from the eggs. I plan to leave it out for a bit before consuming it. Even if I take that approach, I still wash the eggs before cooking them.
More importantly, if your eggs are routinely dirty, it’s time to clean the coop and add some fresh bedding to the nesting boxes.
To clean your eggs without water use, use a sponge or towel to rub off all dirt and droppings from the egg gently. Never use the same cloth or sponge on other eggs. Always discard it after use.
Whether you are storing your eggs in the refrigerator or on your egg skelter, try to store eggs with the skinny side down to prevent the already-present air pocket from being broken by the yolk as it ages. A broken air pocket is another invitation for bacteria to enter the egg.
Always store your eggs in a clean container, and clean the container between uses. Washed eggs should be eaten much sooner than unwashed eggs, so date your cartons and discard old eggs.
I just got a new hen. And she has a cough. Is this serous.can my other hens get it.I have her isolation.
Definitely keep your eye on your chicken that’s coughing.
I would take her to a vet and get her checked out if the coughing persists. Good luck!
Egg wash is a mixture of beaten eggs and liquid (usually water or milk) which is brushed onto baked go ac1 ods like pastries before cooking. It adds shine and color and helps keep the edges together. When you see this term used in a recipe or cooking directions, knowing why and how to use it will help you get the best results.
She’s not talking about baking… egg wash is something you can buy to wash your eggs. Feed stores sell it.
I was given a dozen fresh eggs from my niece who has chickens. They looked clean and still had the bloom on them. She told me to rinse them when I got home, dry them, and put them in the fridge – which I did. BUT… I rinsed them under the faucet using COLD water! Do I need to throw them out now. I hope not. There isn’t any information on the internet on what to do after this mistake. Thanks for any advice you can give.
If her chickens don’t have salmonella, they can’t pass it to you so it should be fine. If you cook it to the right temp it will kill ecoli so you’re good there. Should be fine!
Yes take her to the vet to get antibiotic and get her checked out. It happened to one of my chickens and she wasnt putting any eggs.
If the eggs have been in the fridge can you wash them with cold water?
Is there a recipe for a “homemade” egg wash to wash my fresh eggs with? Usually the brown egg are fine but sometimes the white eggs need “soil stains” removed as I sell the eggs…
Yes, I use red apple cider vinegar, Use about an oz in a gal. of warm water let them soak for 5-10 min. then rub them off w/dry paper towel rense, then dry w/another clean paper towel den poo dem in da fridge!!!
My chickens eggs are getting ready dirty. Is there a way to keep them clean. I change the bedding in the nesting boxes about every other week. I changed to using straw as the pine chips seemed to get really dirty. I also take soiled straw out when I see it. HELP PLEASE my eggs look awful
They say if chicken lays dirty eggs it has worms to give it that Diatomaceous Earth just sprinkle it on their food.