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Ameraucana Chicken: Care Guide, Color Varieties and More

Ameraucana Chicken- Care Guide, Color Varieties and More

The Ameraucana is a unique chicken among its peers.

It is a fairly recent addition to the chicken breeds making its’ debut in the 1970s.

It has a staunch band of breeders and followers in this country and many others and is slowly gathering more folks who are becoming devoted followers.

The history of the Ameraucana is a bit convoluted, as we shall see.

This article will explore Ameraucana’s temperament, egg-laying, color varieties, and more.

Ameraucana Appearance and Temperament

The coloring of the Ameraucana is quite variable, with several color palettes to choose from – anywhere from black to white, blue to wheaten.

The variety of colors available makes this a beautiful bird.

It is considered a winter hardy, dual-purpose breed.

The beard and muffs give the bird a somewhat ‘chipmunk face,’ looking like their cheeks are puffed out!

With the eyes being bay red, they can look a bit fierce, but they are quite a docile bird. The look is deceiving.

In reading reviews for the temperament of this bird, I noticed a wide variety of behaviors.

Whether or not this reflects upbringing or other circumstances is hard to determine. Its temperament has been noted as anywhere from skittish to docile and gentle.

It is generally a friendly bird but doesn’t necessarily enjoy being picked up and cuddled.

Ameraucana Chicken

The Ameraucana is usually sociable with its’ own kind and usually sits in the middle of the pecking order.

It also enjoys human contact and interactions; most folks say it is a brilliant and predator-savvy bird.

The Ameraucana is said to have a hawk-like appearance, and some enthusiasts appreciate this quality for free-range flocks.

It is thought that mimicry deters attacks from actual hawks or other animals. The laser-focus of their bay red eyes only adds to this theory.

Breed Standard

The Ameraucana was accepted to the American Poultry Association in 1984. There is also a bantam Ameraucana which the American Bantam Association accepted in 1979.

The Ameraucana has a red pea comb, as are the wattles. Wattles are on the small side or can be non-existent.

Eyes are a reddish bay color.

Ameraucanas have both beards and muffs. It can be difficult to differentiate between the muffs and beard, but it should be clearer to see close inspection.

The tail should be carried upright almost at 45 degrees to the body.

Depending on the color of the plumage, the legs and feet should be slate blue to black.

There should be four toes on each foot, and the shanks should be clean of feathering. The skin on the bottom of the foot is white, as is the skin of the bird.

Ameraucana Chicken


There are eight recognized colors for the Ameraucana:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Blue wheaten
  • Brown red
  • Buff
  • Silver
  • Wheaten
  • White

The Ameraucana is considered a light fowl, and weights should be around 6.5lb for males and 5.5lb.

Bantams should weigh in at 26-30oz. For males and 24-26oz. For females.

Egg Laying and Broodiness

The Ameraucana is beloved for its’ light blue eggs. It is a moderately good layer, producing about 3–4 medium-sized eggs/week. It can be a bit of a late starter, so don’t expect your eggs at 18-20 weeks.

Some folks reported they had waited 5-7 months before any eggs appeared.

In past times blue eggs have been promoted as having less cholesterol and more protein. This was simply a market ploy to get people interested in blue eggs.

It may seem strange now, but blue eggs were not always popular.

The eggs have the same nutritional value as a green, brown, pink, or white egg.

Ameraucanas are non-broody for the most part. Occasionally one will go broody, but it is not a regular occurrence.

“There is a trick you can use to make sure you hatch Ameracauna eggs instead of using an incubator,” reports Animal Answer Guide.

“You can mark a few eggs in the nest and wait until one of the hens goes broody and then set the eggs from the other hens under that brooding chicken.”

Health Issues

The Ameraucana does not have any significant health issues, unlike its parent, the Araucana.

They will live around 7-8 years on average. And due to their predator-savvy abilities, they tend to outlast other breeds in their flock.

They are fantastic foragers and smart about their enemies, another feather in their caps.

Background and History of the Ameraucana

Ameraucana Chicken

The recent history behind this breed extends back into the 1920s’ and to South America – Chile, to be specific.

The Mapuche Indians originally had two types of chickens – the Collonca and Quintero.

These breeds were ancient even to the Indians and were first noted and written about by the Spanish invaders in the 1500s.

The two breeds were bred together either naturally or by human intervention – no one knows – and from this union came the Araucana.

The Araucana is a parent bird of the Ameraucana chicken.

Young Araucana Chicken
Young Araucana Chicken

The Araucana chicken was (and is) a scarce bird. The genetic makeup is such that it carries a lethal gene that can kill chicks in the shell.

The lethal gene gives the Araucana its’ unique tufted ears. If both parents contribute a tufting gene (ET) – the chicks will die in the shell.

Ameraucanas were bred to retain the blue egg gene but eliminate the lethal gene of their parents.

The Araucana was brought to the US in limited quantities in the 1920s following the bird’s presentation by Professor Salvador Castillo at a conference in Santiago, Chile.

One of the folks instrumental in raising Araucanas and eventually ‘creating’ the Ameraucana was Mr. Keller of the Pratt Experimental Farm in Pennsylvania.

He cross-bred the Araucanas with other birds resulting in a mélange of different birds.

Some with ear tufts, some with muffs and beards, some rumpless, some with full tails, etc. – all were called Araucanas.

Interestingly, in the UK, Australia, and many other countries, Araucanas and Ameraucanas are accepted as the same breed, whether they are rumpless or tailed.

Is the Ameraucana Right for You?

These birds are considered to be docile and people-friendly. They are quite hardy -although some people say they don’t tolerate freezing climates.

They seem to tolerate NY winters fairly well as long as they have dry and draft-proof accommodations.

The Ameraucana will bear confinement but don’t do it well. They are fairly independent birds, so they do love to free-range if they can.

A huge plus for many folks is that they lay a moderate to a good amount of light blue eggs.

It seems blue eggs are becoming ‘a thing’ in many supermarkets where they sell for a not-insignificant amount!

Most roosters can get a bit cranky at times, but they are not overly aggressive that I have found during research.

Others have reported that their Ameraucanas struggle to handle highly humid and hot environments.

The differing experiences may have a lot to do with the colorful lineage of the bird in question.

Cautionary Note

Many hatchery and other breeders offer birds labeled as Americana or Americauna. These are not Ameraucanas – note the spelling…

It has been used as a marketing ploy for many years now. In fact, what they are selling is Easter Eggers – which is not a pure breed.

An Easter Egger is a hybrid, and while there is nothing wrong with Easter Eggers, you should know the difference – because many private ‘breeders’ apparently don’t.

In some of the hatchery catalogs, a telltale sign is if the birds are advertised as ‘recommended for laying or not for exhibition or 4H use’.

Ameraucanas are still rare birds, so if you pay $5-10.00 for a bird, it is likely not a pure breed.

True, pure Ameraucanas sell for around $20.00 for a hen and $18.00 for a rooster.

The Easter Egger is a hybrid of either the Ameraucana or the Araucana and another breed of chicken.

On the other hand, the Ameraucana and Araucana are considered to be pure breeds.

Like the Araucana and Ameraucana, the Easter Egger may also lay blue eggs, have muffs, or even beards.

Young Araucana Chicken


The Ameraucana is still considered to be a rare breed here in the US. If you can afford the outlay to get some of these lovely birds, they are well worth the money.

As we mentioned, in Australia, the UK, and many other countries, the Araucana and Ameraucana are considered the same breed, so that it can be confusing!

The Ameraucana is certainly a pretty addition to your flock – both in plumage and colored egg-laying.

Do you have Ameraucanas? Let us know in the comments section below…

READ NEXT: Easter Egger: Everything You Need To Know About This Chicken

Ameraucana Chicken- Care Guide, Color Varieties and More

70 thoughts on “Ameraucana Chicken: Care Guide, Color Varieties and More

  1. I have one Ameraucana hen, one year old. Just got her recently when she was coming out of molt so No egg from her yet. I had purchased her chick, Olive Egger, but was a roo so I returned for his mom. Pretty friendly and live the blue wheaten color.

  2. Yes I get blue eggs but not sure of breed I have 4 rhode isl red and 3 black/brown stripe hens could be ameraucanas

    1. I have an Ameraucana! She’s wheaton color and her temperament is so sweet we named her Honey. She has little ear muffs and is indeed winter hardy. She loves her two Isbar sisters and is in the middle of the pecking order. Never broody and we’ve had her for 4 years now. She lays pastel blue green eggs almost every day; 5 per week!. I highly recommend these smart, friendly birds. She lets you hold her and loves attention.

      1. I have one too Frankie. Gray like the picture. We also have a multi colored one we call her Khaki. Our gray one is the top of the pecking order. Very friendly to me. Let’s me pick her up super sweet. Had crop issues from eating hay. Huge ball never passed. A kind vet performed surgery and removed a huge bowl of hay. She’s healed fine and was laying eggs but now hasn’t payed any in a few weeks. Not sure what is wrong with her now. Her face seems really pale but she eats drinks and acts normal.

  3. I actually do have an ameraucana! It is a lavender ameraucana and her name is Charlotte. She actually doesn’t mind being picked up, but she sure is a pretty smart chicken!
    Thank you for the info,
    Your costumer

  4. I have ameracuna I bought 5 from a breeder in pa 4 out of 5 are roosters 1 all black hen lays green eggs 3 roosters are pretty while 4th is all black it was a risk never know what u get
    Lynly crowe

    1. I’m sorry sounds like you lost the “chicken lottery” . I got 6 and got one rooster but I’m not allowed to have them in my neighborhood so I found him a farm to live on where he could crow all day long.

  5. I have to brown Americaunas. They are 1 and 3 yrs old. My older one is very friendly and calm. The younger one hisses at you when she’s laying.

  6. I bought 3 in march… We found out one was a rooster.. one got sick could not walk or fly and died last week (?) One is ok but still not laying and very stressed by the others (regular farmers chicken) We’ll see! She is very pretty and really nice, not aggressive at all.

    1. I agree, your article is very nice and informative. I have one Americana now, she is about 7 years old and doing well. I have had several in the past. I have never had one that laid a blue egg. They, including the one I have now who still lays very well at her age, all laid light green eggs, never blue.
      Miss Eng, my Americana, was raised as a pet in New York City and she is very sweet and has always been a friendly hen and a clever one too.
      Please do articles on New Hampshires and Minorcas.

  7. We have 3 Ameraucanas and love to watch them. They are so fun. They have been slow to lay eggs and have quit almost completely this winter. But the days will start getting longer again and i’m sure they will start laying again.

  8. I have 3 Ameraucanas, one is a bully. She pecks at 2 Out if 5 chickens and has these 2 rushing to get away from the bully. I don’t know what else to try. Do u have any suggestions?

    1. Hi Margaret,
      We’re actually in the middle of writing an article about dealing with bully hens! It will be my next article published and will be available next week 🙂

    2. You can sepperate the bully and dont be aggresive with the bully at all as tempting as it may be, it will make the bully more aggressive for sure. Then spend alone time with the bully by holding it at least 15 minutes a day until he or she gets used to you and easyly pick her or him up then slowy introcuce back into the flock in a cage to see how it behaves, just like introcucing a new member to the family . Once they have adjusted to each other again, lests \say after a week let the cchicken out and see what happens. Good luck my friend!

    3. Separate your bully and her own quiet pin or cage with food and water for a couple of days. When she reenter society she will have to re-engage and find a different wrong all the chicken pecking order. She will be the new kid in town for a week or two and that should calm things down. Always separate a bully out for 3 to 5 days, it gives the whole chicken society a restart opportunity – hope this is helpful!

  9. I have 2 Amerecaunas that my sons kindergarten class hatched. One just started laying at 10 months. They are a beautiful red brown, smart and are beginning to like it when we pet them.

  10. I bought some ameraucana chicks a year ago. I specified that I did not want Easter eggers. She said they were pure ameraucanas but mixed types. I understood that to mean they were different colors but all americaunas. Does that mean they are pure bred Ameraucanas just not of show type? I hate to be misleading to others when calling them by their breed! The 4 hens I own all lay blue eggs and have the famous muffs. one has black legs the rest are quite pale. And one has white with a few black feathers. One is all black and 2 are mostly brown with some other color on the tips of their feathers. So please tell me what I have! They are very pretty!

  11. Just purchased seven Ameraucana chicks last month from my Ag supply store. They looked very similar initially but as they have rapidly grown the colors go the gambit of black with gold to cinnamon to golden. Reading up now on how to integrate them with my 5 Rhode Island’s once temperatures stabilize.

      1. I thought your comment regarding the Rodies was funny. I have one Rode Island red and she is head of the pecking order. I just watched her chase my very large Buffy Orpington across the back chicken yard. She never caught her – but she let the others know who is in charge. I just purchased 2 Americanas – young juveniles. Right now I have them in an enclosed run until I make sure they don’t have any diseases. When I am ready to introduce them to the others, I will let them out first. After they are settled, I will let the others out and supervise for awhile until I know they newbies are safe.

  12. We have had several of these. Right now we have a 10 year old who is incredibly sweet. She is the favorite of all of the hens we have had.

  13. They are really good layers.We had about 16 of them we were giving eggs away.not alot of people will eat colored eggs

  14. We have a chicken that looks just like the picture of the grey Araucana above. Even her feet color. (Although her comb is small and more red.)Her dad is an Easter egg chicken and I thought her mom was a black jersey giant. After seeing the above picture I am now not sure. It was definitely a brown egg she was hatched from. She lays blue eggs and is just over 5 months. We feel we won the lottery!

  15. We have Easter Eggers, can not afford Ameraucanas! We are not breeders or showers, just have our beautiful friendly girls for tick control and those lovely blue eggs :). I got a few brown leghorn chicks this spring to have white eggs for contrast. Can’t have white hens, the foxes and coyotes snap them right up! I also have 5 Buff Orpingtons but they all went broody on me last summer, that’s no good! My Easter Eggers never do. I ordered 15 more EE this spring, I just love them!

  16. I got my chicks from our family owned feed store, not sure if they are true ameraucanas or easter layer, they said ameracanas, but they do not lay regular. I have 5 i was brooding, so I got her 4 baby chicks she is happy now, but the other 4 I get 1 egg per day, I have high protein food and they get meal worms, rye seed and scraps including oyster shells and egg shells. what is up with this> any help would be appreciated.

    1. Also her poop is just about pure water and nothing else. She is suppose to be an Ameraucana We got her last year at Royal King and that is what they said she was but I think she is an Easter layer. Does anyone know what may be wrong with her. I thought maybe she ate some berries that are growing in the yard that I know theyy aren’t something we should eat but maybe theyg made her really sick

  17. Last summer we purchased 10 chicks – all hens. They are producing 6 eggs a day on average, and they laid eggs around 7 months old (late) Their eggs are light blue to olive color. They have great, tame temperaments. We have had zero problems with them, and let them roam free from their large hen house about 3 hours a day. We bought a splash rooster for them yesterday. I cannot wait to see their chicks!

  18. I have 4 Rhode Island Red pullets about 11wks old. Last week someone gave me a Rooster and hen born Nov. 2018 and said they are Rhode Island Red and Ameraucana mix. He is the brown red color with the beautiful greenish tail and she is a lighter brown red color with the pretty designe around her neck and just started laying blue olive colored eggs. The rooster does have like a little beard and the legs are the same yellow color as my Rhode Island’s. Very docile and she don’t mind being held but he chases my pullets away especially when he it’s feeding time, I have to feed him and his hen separate or the pullets won’t go near him.

  19. I have a hen that is acting sick a few weeks ago she was fine. We have her running loose in our yard. Well she went to sitting on a batch of eggs stayed on them only 2 nights and then stopped. Ever since she stopped she has acted very sick she lays down a lot won’t hardy come out of the building if she does come out she doesn’t act good I don’t know if something may have bit her or if she maybe ate something out of our yard that has made her sick or if she has some kind of disease, if it is a disease I don’t want it to spread to the other chickens. What would be making her sick and what can I do to help her?? She is to me slowly dying I Feel so bad for her and don’t know what to do have any suggestions and what would be causing her to act like this? She hasn’t laid any eggs since either

    1. She may be egg bound. Try massaging her gently underneath. Also, she may have mites. Have you thoroughly inspected her? Good luck

    2. Take her to the vet, mine was acting something like that and the vet said she may have worms or an intestinal infection. He gave her antibiotic shot and sent two more home with me to give her the next two days. Also gave me ivermectin to put in the water for the flock in case of worms. good luck

  20. The add said Americana. One is very pretty browns and blacks, the other almost pure white. They were raised together and are about 2 years old, get along great and I’ve gotten 3 eggs in 2 days, both blue/greeen. I only know that 1 was laid by the brown hen, I think. So, I probably have at least on Easter Egger and that’s fine with me, but is there an easy way to tell whether I have an Ameraucauna or Americanna? Is leg color a deciding factor? The “chicken lady” next door told me that they don’t come in white.

  21. I bought 6 Blue Ameraucana day-old chicks from a hatchery that advertised “true Ameraucana, show quality”. 4 came in as blue, two were black (it happens – Bk/Bl/Spl genetics means that a pair of breeding Blues produce 50%blue, 25% black, and 25% Splash offspring ).. I got 2 hens (1bk, 1bl) and 4 roos. One of the blue roos had almost pink legs, but they darkened over time. I paired the blue hen with that blue roo, and they made one splash chick who is basically white with some scattered light grey feathers, and barely pigmented legs and feet at 10 weeks.. time will tell though.. Anyway, my point is that there is much variability in the leg color – at least within the breed, if not within the standard. Also, the 4 rooster combs are each distinct.. a couple of them have the “3 (columns) of peas” almost fused together in rows, making ridges like a Star Trek Klingon’s forehead. One has the tail end of his comb up off his head, sweeping back to a “ducktail” point – a very dramatic look with his “devil red” eyes!
    Anyway, I love ’em – they all have great personalities, though at times it seems like the roos can’t decide whether they love me or hate me…

  22. Sooooo confusing I have a blue Amererucan ‘ lovely bird just now laying eggs green and a cuckoo Moran witch one lays dark brown ‘ I think people are mix breeding and calling them what ever ‘ love my girls

  23. I have 1 americona she the one with a gold like head.and 2 rhode iland red hens I like to buy a black or buff. About a year old,like my other hens’

  24. I hatched 2 Ameracunas on June 21st. It’s now November 17th and still no eggs. I. Reading this article I’m afraid I won’t be seeing eggs for 7 months ?
    I hope they are real Americanas that’s what I was told. Out of the 12 I incubated only 3 hatched. 3 didn’t turn, 3 hatched and 6 died in the shells fully grown.

  25. I acquired eggs earlier this year for Lavender, only three hatched and I was fortunate they were two hens and one roo, they are lovely and he is absolutely gorgeous. One of the ladies has just hatched two chicks. This is going to be an interesting ride

  26. We have 7 hens and 15 roosters. We are selling most of the roosters and only keeping the best colors for breeding purposes.

  27. I have an Ameriacana that was laying beautiful blue eggs since she was about 5 months old (we got her in June). Since about early January she hasn’t laid a single egg. What could be the reason?

  28. I didn’t realize the rarity of these birds! I have a flock of about 15 or so and they gave me chicks the past 2 years. Proud momma’s. I have 3 generations. I’ll be expecting chicks again here soon!

  29. We have a rooster that looks JUST like the rooster in your video. Does that mean that when we hatched chicks, some will be blue egg layers? Our hens are astrolorps, leghorns, buffy, Rhode Island Red, and Plymouth rocks.

  30. On April 8th 2020 my chicks were hatched and sold to me on the 10th. All the different breeds sold are ladies. I was replacing my Y-ondot (spell?) who I lost in a winter storm.
    The chick was put in a little box and I turned the corner and the chick became very very loud, so I had to get a buddy, and the first one quieted down. She is loud telling me to replace the water, or to get more chick food for them, and she tries to eat first, but the second lady nudges under her legs and knocks her off to peck more chick food. they nest together, eat together, drink together and I am glad I got Maud Abigale for a buddy. They will live in my office until they are fully feathered and then will go to meet Hattie and Irene. I will have to accommodate more roosts!

  31. I’ve got 2 Americana hens I got from a neighbor, and they are about 1 year old, and lay the beautiful light green eggs most every day. I dubbed the one Henrietta the explorer, as she just loves to find a way out of the pen and get out and run around the yard, and then her cohort often follows. They are quite friendly, and usually easy to coerce back in the pen. They go in their pen every night about 6:30 to roost all on their own. They are fun to watch and the eggs are good too!

  32. I have a white Ameraucana hen and a lavendar Ameraucana rooster. I am hoping that by breeding them, I can get some more white ones. What are the chances that I would get a pure white one like the hen?

  33. I have an Ameraucana and she is now a year old and still has not laid an egg. All my other chickens (different breeds) have been laying since about 5-7 months. Any hope she will ever lay at this point?

  34. I have I have five Amerucana in my flock Along with Rhode Island Reds and a barred rock rooster and hen. along with Rhode Island Reds and a barred rock rooster and hen. Four of them are very young, about half grown. One is fully grown. She has very different behavior than my other Chickens. She seems to possess a much better flying ability and acts a bit wilder. The barred rock and a couple of the Rhode Island red hens are quite the bullies.

  35. I am a new chicken mom, just got my flock in March. I have 4 ISA Browns and 6 Amerucanas with one rooster. They are beautiful and very calm. The Browns have started laying (at about 16 weeks) and nothing from my Amerucanas yet. We are at 18 weeks now. So far they are all tolerating the heat well … I live in DE. This article was very informative, I was starting to worry and wondering why the Amerucanas had not stated laying yet. I will take any advice I can get on flock! Thanks!

  36. The Americana can be later at laying eggs which is a good thing Americana considering some of the other breeds that lay at younger ages were out and have a whole lot more problems americana’s will usually outlive a lot of the other chicken breeds I have about 15 big size americana’s and 18 babies. The oldest one I’ve ever had was 15 years old

  37. I have a very mixed flock but I have 2 americaunas. They are 19 weeks old and I started to get blue eggs 2 days ago. They are the only blue egg layers I have. Si excited!! I have one who is named Amber, she really dark with amber feathers on her breast, and the others name is baloo, and she is orange with darker patterns and every feather has a gray lower end. Any idea what breeds?

  38. You give the cautionary note about Ameraucanas but the photos and videos you share are of Easter Eggers. They are the wrong colors, have incorrect legs, and the headshot doesn’t even have a muff. Perhaps you could update your page to show true Ameraucanas.

  39. I have 2 EE and one looks just like a hawk and likes to fly out and free range and the other is more golden and tufted and stays in the run. I also had a tiny egg laid and wondered why it was only about an inch. Love the blue and olive eggs.

  40. I keep mine in a large steel pen to protect them from the larger predators where I live and they seem happy enough like that. I have 11 lavender (self-blue) ameraucanas I got mailed to me as chicks from a hatchery. I started with 13 but one ran into the forest never to be seen again, and my sweet cross-beaked runt passed away over the weekend. The other chickens kept getting bigger but she didn’t. It looks like she got smothered by accident. They looked out for her, never bullied her, so the flock are docile towards eachother. 3 of my flock are roosters and they have sorted their hierarchy; if they don’t overbreed the hens I may keep them because they only crow at dawn and when they need to alert me. They work together to keep the hens safe, so usually two take them into the coop and one stays to face lurking animals. The chickens are just short of 6 months and no eggs yet, but they have been late for most milestones. It won’t be until after 12 weeks that you can be sure which are roosters (they have an 80% accuracy for sexing so in a straight run of 13 hens I got 3 roosters and until they were more developed some hens looked a bit like roosters). The chickens are still growing and maturing and they are already fairly large.

  41. Love this post! I’ve recently started researching Ameraucana chickens and this has been incredibly helpful. The color varieties are stunning and I’m really interested in learning more about their temperament and care requirements. Can’t wait to add one to my flock!

  42. Great post! I’m definitely interested in learning more about the Ameraucana chicken breed. I’ve heard they’re known for their beautiful blue eggs, but I didn’t realize they came in a variety of colors. Can’t wait to read more about their temperaments and care requirements. Thanks for sharing!

  43. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this blog post! I recently inherited an Ameraucana chicken from a friend and had no idea how to care for it. This guide has been incredibly helpful in understanding their unique needs and providing tips for their well-being. I’m excited to learn more about the different color varieties and how to care for them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

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