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Can Chickens Eat Quinoa?

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Have you been wondering, “Can chickens eat quinoa”? It’s a great question, and the short answer is YES, but you have to rinse it first. Quinoa is a seed that comes from the chenopodium quinoa plant. While many call it a whole grain, it’s technically not a grain, though it shares very similar nutrients to […]

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Can Chickens Eat Clover? What You Need To Know

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Have you been wondering if it’s safe for your chickens to eat bailed clover hay, clover sprouts, clover seeds, or living clover growing from your lawn? For the most part, clover is a food that chickens should be able to eat in limited quantities safely. With that said, it’s not nutritionally complete, and it can […]

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Can Chickens Eat Butternut Squash?

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Chickens can safely eat butternut squash as part of a nutritionally balanced diet. And as a matter of fact, it has several medicinal properties that will likely help your chickens look and feel better. We cover all of that and more below.  Will Chickens Eat Butternut Squash?  Chickens love butternut squash, but they may need […]

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Can Chickens Eat Romaine Lettuce?

Can chickens eat romaine lettuce featured image

Romaine lettuce is a popular leafy green that many people enjoy in their salads, but can chickens eat romaine lettuce? If you’re a backyard chicken keeper or farmer, you may wonder what types of vegetables and greens you can feed your chickens. The short answer is yes; chickens can eat romaine lettuce. Romaine lettuce is […]

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Fermenting Chicken Feed

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Did you know that fermenting chicken feed can provide numerous benefits for you and your birds? By using this simple process, you can help ensure nutrient-rich feed, improved digestion, and better overall health in your flock without having to take on any additional costs! In this blog post, we’ll explain why it’s important to ferment […]

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Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are important – but do your flocks need a daily snack, too? Chickens have a lot of energy and need plenty of calories to keep them going. At the same time, you can provide most of your chickens’ nutritional requirements via their feed – which is specially formulated to meet their […]

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10 Main Ingredients in Farm Animal Feed

main ingredients in farm animal feed

Have you considered making your mix for your livestock feed? What do you think are the main ingredients in farm animal feed? If you are entirely new to raising livestock, then you’re in the right place! In this article, you will learn what animal feed is made of and what other nutrients you can add […]

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Animal Feed: What Are the 6 Nutrients Animals Need?

animal feed what are the 6 nutrients animals need

Do animals need nutrients in their diet? Just like any living being, animals need essential nutrients to live healthily and function well. So, what are the six nutrients animals need? And how do you make sure they get all the essential nutrients in their animal feed? This article shows the six nutrients animals need and […]

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