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Chicken Egg & Earlobe: Can You Determine Eggshell Color Based On Chicken Earlobes?

Can You Determine Eggshell Color Based On Chicken Earlobes?

Are you one of those people who believe you can determine eggshell color based on chicken earlobes? You’ll be surprised to know it’s just a myth! Well…sort of. There is still a little bit of truth to it. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the actual truth behind the chicken ear and egg color—and […]

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Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are important – but do your flocks need a daily snack, too? Chickens have a lot of energy and need plenty of calories to keep them going. At the same time, you can provide most of your chickens’ nutritional requirements via their feed – which is specially formulated to meet their […]

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