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Mealworms… For People?

Mealworm flour with mealworms and beetles

The European Union (EU) has given the green light to include more insects in foods. A new regulation called Implementing Regulation 2023/58 is all set to come into effect. This regulation allows certain types of insect larvae, specifically Alphitobius diaperinus, to be sold as food. These little larvae, or the lesser mealworm, can be sold […]

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Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are important – but do your flocks need a daily snack, too? Chickens have a lot of energy and need plenty of calories to keep them going. At the same time, you can provide most of your chickens’ nutritional requirements via their feed – which is specially formulated to meet their […]

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Dried Mealworms: Should Your Chickens Eat Them?

dried mealworm

Mealworms! Shake that packet and chickens come running from every corner of the yard. Chickens love dried mealworms, no doubt about it. But should you be feeding them to your flock? It really depends on the supplier. As always, higher quality ones are more expensive but in terms of your flock’s health, it’s definitely worth […]

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Mealworms vs Black Soldier Fly Larvae

black soldier flies

Mealworms have always been the go-to protein treat for chickens, but the black soldier fly larva is becoming more and more popular for many good reasons. Let’s see how they both stack up in comparison and which is best for your flock. The term ‘mealworm’ is really a misnomer. These little bits of wiggly beings […]

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