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Can Chickens Fly? 5 Myths Debunked

Can Chickens Fly_ 5 Myths Debunked

From time to time, we get questions about the hens’ ability to fly. So today we are going to answer this very question for you. The short answer is: yes! As always though, there is more to the answer so read on my friends. Our backyard hens are the noble descendants of the red or […]

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Mealworms vs Black Soldier Fly Larvae

black soldier flies

Mealworms have always been the go-to protein treat for chickens, but the black soldier fly larva is becoming more and more popular for many good reasons. Let’s see how they both stack up in comparison and which is best for your flock. The term ‘mealworm’ is really a misnomer. These little bits of wiggly beings […]

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