Boer goats are the prominent meat goat being raised in the United States. This goat breed is hardy and extremely adaptive to a host of different climates and terrain environments. The market for the lean red meat produced by goats has steadily been on the rise in America. The need for meat currently surpasses the […]
The Goat Breed Guide
There are more than 300 different goat breeds roaming in pastures around the globe. Dairy goats, meat goats, fiber goats, and miniature goat breeds are all heralded for their various benefits and offerings. There is no right or wrong goat breed to keep. But, discovering the best goat breed to suit your needs and space […]
Smallest Goat Breed
The smallest goat breed honors actually belong to two different varieties of goat – the Kinder and the Pygora. Both of these miniature goat breeds were developed from cross-breeding specific established breeds to create a small stature goat that also excelled in producing meat, dairy, or fiber. The Pygora goat is a cross between a […]
Best Goat Breeds for Homesteading
Nowadays, people want to live feasibly to obtain food and produce goods on their own. Because of this, more people tend to acquire a homestead and do livestock. Homesteaders make the most out of their acreage as they raise their own meat and dairy products. Some would even raise crops alongside livestock to support and […]
Best Goat Breeds for Homesteading (13 Best Goats for Milk and Meat)
Are you planning to enter the world of homesteading with a four-legged friend? If you prefer to raise animals like goats over poultry birds, we are with you because they offer milk and meat the best of both worlds. But how can you choose the best goat breeds for homesteading? We know you’re excited, but […]
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Nubian Goats: Everything You Need To Know
Nubian goats were once primarily raised as dairy goats, but once their superior milk-producing abilities were fully realized this breed soared to the top of the dairy goat breed list. Even though the vast majority of Nubian goat nannies produce a smaller daily amount of milk than many other top dairy goat breeds, they still […]
All About Nigerian Goats
Nigerian dwarf goats are ideal livestock to keep on homesteads both large and small. A small stature or “mini goat” of this type can even be kept on a suburban homestead, using a dog box as a shelter and the fenced in backyard as its home. Simply because Nigerian dwarf goats are easy keepers on […]