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ISA Brown Chicken Breed: All You Need To Know

isa brown chicken

The ISA Brown Chicken breed is a fairly recent introduction to the poultry world and is a very popular girl. She can lay lots of beautiful eggs for you and has a great personality.

They are medium-sized, affectionate, docile hen which is suited to family living.
The usefulness of the breed cannot be denied – such a high egg output is hard to argue with when you compare to heritage chickens that are more modest in their output.

In today’s article, we are going to discuss this breed in detail giving you some information on their history, appearance,  temperament, egg-laying ability, and finally, if they are the right breed for your backyard flock.

ISA Brown Chicken

Isa Brown Chicken History and Background

ISA Brown CollageThe ISA Brown is a fairly recently developed hybrid chicken designed by man to lay eggs.
Originally developed in France around 1978, the ISA stands for Institut de Sélection Animale. In 1997 the Institut was merged with Merck and Co and the breed then became the Hubbard ISA.

The company has since merged again multiple times and is now part of the Group Grimaud La Corbière SA.

Their exact genetic make-up is a closely guarded trade secret, but speculation has been pointed at the Rhode Island Red and white breeds with input from White Leghorns. What other breeds may be involved is a mystery.

Breed Standard and Appearance of the Isa Brown Chicken

As this is a hybrid there is no ‘standard of perfection’ in place from the American Poultry Association or any other Club or Association.

The hen is however, ‘copyrighted’. You cannot call your look-alike chickens ISA browns or sell them as such.

If you desire to show your ISA brown at the local poultry show, there is nothing to stop you from doing so, but it will not be accepted in the larger more prestigious shows.


At a quick glance, you could be forgiven for mistaking them for Rhode Island Reds. When you look more closely you will notice their red/brown is lighter in shade – more of a light chestnut brown.

The ISA brown is a medium-sized bird with a rectangular body and a slight dip to the back. The tail is held upright, they occasionally have some white tail feathers.

The comb and wattles are red in color with the comb being single and upright. Eyes range from a yellow to a bay red color. They are classified as small to medium hen weighing around 5lb.


As a hybrid bird, they will not breed true. Whatever you may get in the way of chicks is not likely to live up to its’ parents abilities.

It has also been noted that offspring are highly prone to suffer from kidney ailments, so they aren’t the healthiest of chicks. It is probably better to not try to breed them yourselves.

ISAs’ come from a white rooster over a red hen therefore they are a ‘sex-link’ chicken; meaning chicks at birth can be immediately sexed – white chicks are boys and tan chicks are girls.

ISA Brown Chicken Temperament and Disposition

The ISA brown is of a friendly, sweet and docile nature. They are a fairly quiet hen and so suit backyard living well.

They are known to be affectionate with their owners and enjoy being held and cuddled; often jumping into your lap unannounced to enjoy some affection and treats.

ISAs stand confinement very well but enjoy foraging for bugs and other tasty morsels!

Egg Laying Ability of the Isa Brown

ISA Brown Egg ProductionThese hard-working girls can lay in excess of 300 large brown eggs per year! They barely pause for the molt and get right back to it, making them one of the best breeds for egg laying around.

Since they work so hard using all the protein and calcium available in their small bodies, it is wise to feed them a slightly higher protein base (+18%) and make sure they have oyster shell available at all times (especially after the first molt).

They rarely go broody, they have been bred not to, but occasionally you will get a broody girl. They will sit well and they make great Moms.

Isa Brown Chicken Common Health Issues

ISA’s have been ‘engineered’ to lay eggs, and with that has come to a profusion of ailments when they live to be over 2 years old.

A bird that can lay 300+ eggs each year without rest is not going to live into a healthy old age.

It is usual in the commercial world to cull chickens after their second year, as their egg production does drop noticeably here. It is at this point they are considered ‘spent’ and sent for slaughter.

Thanks to the work of the British Hen Welfare Trust and other such organizations worldwide, many of these hens are rescued and go to live with ordinary people like us for the rest of their lives.

Although their ‘best’ laying years may be behind them, they will still lay eggs for you, just not as prolifically and they will bless you with their affection and presence.

When hens are bred to lay eggs in such huge quantities they will often suffer from reproductive tract issues such as prolapse, tumors and cancers. They can also suffer from kidney problems too.

Is the Isa Brown Chicken Right For You?

ISA BrownThe ISA Brown is a great ‘starter chicken’ as they are very low maintenance, so they are ideal for those just starting their chicken addiction!

They are suited to family life as they are affectionate and non-aggressive hens. They certainly love to be held, which makes them an ideal chicken for kids.

Their egg production is unmatched. They will lay you lots of eggs – perhaps too many if you are a small family, but then you can always give them away or perhaps sell your excess!

They are winter hardy and tolerate heat fairly well, although shade and water should of course be provided. Isa Brown’s can tolerate a wide variety of climates – ISAs’ are very popular in Australia and the US.

The ISA was bred to last for about two years, however, in a good, caring environment they can live from 5-8 years.

Isa Brown Chicken Summary

They are most certainly a prolific layer of large brown eggs; she is a ‘working girl’ par excellence!

As always, the high egg yield is detrimental to the long-term health of the hen. The ISA is one of several breeds developed for high egg yield at the expense of longevity and natural reproduction.

If you need a hen that will lay loads of eggs for your family I think the ISA brown would be eminently suitable for the job.

Do you keep ISAs? Let us know your experience with them in the comments section below…

READ NEXT: Swedish Flower Hen: Complete Breed Profile

73 thoughts on “ISA Brown Chicken Breed: All You Need To Know

  1. Sounds creepy, like a GMO chicken. I prefer not participating in “engineering edibles. Understanding all the pros which the manufacturers will list, I prefer to side with mother nature. She certainly has given us a varied selection to choose from. Think I will pass.

    1. I agree just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. Like Spider-Man says “with great power comes great responsibility ” in general humans excel in ability and fail miserably in the responsibility department. The price is beyond us to fathom. These poor chickens are prone to ailments because we have pushed them beyond a chickens natural ability. And the most ridiculous thing is that if the chicken is not healthy then the egg is going to be lacking. We loose more then we gain in our efforts to do it better then nature.

    2. GMO? Really? Might want to read up on selective breeding. It’s been going on for centuries. “Mother Nature” gave you two chickens. Selective breeding gave you the rest.

      1. Dawn, I agree with you. I can’t think of any animals that are ‘used’ by humans, that have NOT been bred for a purpose. And of course, natural selection in the wild does the same thing! However, I think it is a valid point to say that humans sometimes go too far, to the detriment of the animal involved. If there weren’t so many humans to feed, maybe that wouldn’t be the case!

        1. Agree. I’m a total beginner but will prob pass on this breed because of health issues related to their high egg production. I want eggs but not at the expense of the health and well being of the hen.

    3. You are confused. Virtually every form of critter used as livestock has at some point been bred to enhance their purpose….Angus beef is a perfect example. Nothing could be further from “GMO”. That assertion is simply ridiculous.

    4. This is one of the funniest things I’ve read on the internet! If selective breeding is genetically modifying then the entire human race and most all domestic bred animals are also genetically modified.

      1. I have my first hybrid chicken and it did worry me at first that their health may suffer for the egg production. I got her from my neighbor and she layed her first egg that day. Three weeks later she has layed an egg a day with the exception of 2 soft shell days and 1 miss. She is so sweet and funny whatever happens in the future I won’t regret taking this girl.

  2. When I lived in Australia, I had two of these lovely chooks, who were ‘ex-battery’ rescues.
    They were a breeze to handle, wonderful temperaments & fantastic layers.
    Now, I’m back in New Zealand, I’ve got four rescue chooks, of ‘unidentified breed, but look so much like ISA-Browns & they behave like them too.
    When I got them, sadly, they were unwell, anaemic & scared, now they are very happy & well & mostly, they each lay an egg a day…

    1. We rescued 30 ‘battery hens’ they had been caged all their short lives. They had stumps for wing feathers, overgrown claws and could not drink till each beak was dipped in real water. Within weeks they had recovered and their agoraphobia had left them, they became happy laying hens. Very satisfying to watch them leave the low shelter and flap their wings, rejoicing !

  3. After having two flocks of hybrid hens my suggestion is not to go this route. Go with heritage chickens that will last longer and over time lay more eggs. Too many health issues to deal with and haven’t experienced consistent egg laying.

    1. I tend to agree with you! I have an isa brown who is maybe 2 or so. I’m trying to nurse her back to health but I’m afraid I’m failing. She had a very hard molt right before we got the artic cold we’re having now and she’s going downhill. She’s been in the house for over a week, being fed by syringe three to four times a day. Thank ok her to the vet yesterday, he didn’t give me any hope. He offered to break her neck. 😭 She’s back home, trying to help her. We’re having a foot of snow today so no going out for sour crop meds today, but she doesn’t have an odor. I’ll keep feeding her a little at a time.

  4. My ISA Brown was my first foray into chickens (along with a Leghorn). She’s my favourite – very friendly and a lot of fun. When I bring them fresh fruit and vegetables she literally dances. When I’m out in the garden .. she’s right there with me. I’m sad to read she will most likely not be long living. She’s around 2 so I guess her egg production will drop, so she’ll have to be happy just being a pet.

    1. Is your ISA still with you? I am afraid I’m about to lose my favorite ISA soon, and she’s only 2.5 years old. We raised her from chickhood, never added supplemental light in the winters, fed organic layer feed, allowed free ranging at least several hours every day and it doesn’t seem like enough. She was on the top rung last night acting normal and today she won’t eat or drink and barely made it into the coop tonight where she lay on the floor. I’m so sad to not know what else to do.

  5. Great article and very interesting. I live in France and am presuming I acquired 2 ISA browns two years ago when we first decided to keep hens – although we had no idea which breed they were. We just asked for laying hens. They were three months old when we got them.
    As I say, I have enjoyed the great pleasure of their company for two years now and what a delight it is. They are gorgeous girls, friendly, happy and a moment of joy every day when we go to the do their “housework”, for which, by they way, they pay their rent very regularly.
    The girls have laid generously for two years now, have not had enormous moults and are in great health laying at full steam again after the Winter. We love eating their eggs and giving them to our friends are equally delighted at receiving “home/garden-made and raised eggs”!!
    We have become very attached to our girls – I’ll keep you posted on their longevity!! But for the moment after two years with us they are bouncing with health.
    Thanks for the article Claire, you do a marvellous job.

    1. I’ve had my Isa, Goldie for 3 years. She’s sweet, likes to be held, and loves to sit on the horse feeder and grab a few bites of grain. Blueberries and watermelon are a favorite snack. Her health is excellent. If she stops laying that’s ok, this is her forever home.

  6. I had acquired 7 of these lovely girls A few years ago, they were X factory girls and they were the best chickens ever, even without the eggs I would’ve love them to pieces. They were everything this article says that they would be , Sweet, loving, and friendly. It is true they do not live long but the time that I had them was simply delightful and I miss them so much

  7. I have 3 chickens which look exactly like your picture of ISA browns but was told they were “Goldline” being a cross from R.I.Reds and Light Sussex, but which way not known.They match your description of ISA’s in every way except they are no overly keen on being handled.

  8. After reading this article, which I greatly appreciate you distributing, I am almost certain that we were sold some ISA’s instead of Rhode Island Reds, which we usually purchase. I have noticed a huge difference lately in our girls. They are at the 2 & 1/2 yr mark. Have laid lots of eggs, above average in size. I even have taken pics and posted on face book bc they were so large. So thank you so much for the information. I am going to investigate. I was so afraid I was doing harm to my girls.

    1. Hi Debbie, you’ll find that they respond well to supplemental light. If you get the lighting schedule correct they’ll come back into lay and they’re off again like a high speed train. Give them about 6 hours of darkness and light the rest of the time and you should see a difference in a month or so.

  9. I am really disappointed that you are promoting this as a breed. As you have said, they are genetically engineered to breed. They don’t have long healthy lives.

    1. Hi Annie,
      We recently received an email from a reader asking about the breed so I decided to write an article on them, that’s all 🙂 I’m not promoting them.
      Even heritage breeds have been selectively breed and ‘engineered’ from wild jungle fowl to some degree.
      As ISA Browns are such popular breeds I think it’s important that people know the positives and negatives of the breed 🙂

      1. They are chickens, my girls are only about 6 weeks old, they are adorable. I really enjoy them right not. I have really never gotten my girls around breed or laying capability, I have them for the joy of taking care of them. The eggs are a bonus. Right now I have 4 1 and half year old Leg Horns which we will cull this fall. When can I put my ISA’s with my Legorns

    2. Hi Annie, they are not genetically engineered. They are selectively bred, just like all farm animals. Genetic engineering and selective breeding are two completely different things. I have kept ISA Browns for nearly 10 years and they behave exactly like heritage breeds, except they lay a few more eggs. They also live much longer than this article would have you believe. Mine are 6 years old and still laying (not as often as they used to, but that’s normal). They’re great, affectionate and healthy birds.

  10. So glad this was in my inbox today! I have 3 of these growing up in my bathroom (sure will be glad when the weather is warm enough for full time outdoors) and have been afraid the one was going to turn out to be male. Relieved to know that isn’t possible, as I suspect my neighbors would complain about a rooster in the mornings.

  11. Four of my six hens are ISA browns. I love them and have had no health issues. My oldest is a little over 4 years old. She lays an occasional egg but layed every day for 2 years! My other 4 year olds lay thin shelled eggs but not Goldie! I have 3 one year old ISA browns also. They are my favorite breed. Friendly and smart. They are escape artist and come to my back door to see me.

  12. I have Isa Browns never heard a lot about them prior to getting them, they have a good size to them, once they started to lay regular it’s an egg a day and they’re are for the most part large- extra large. I’m in Jersey, they’re great in the cold, rain and snow, very docile. They have full range of 11 acres and follow us like a dog.

  13. We bought 4 “Golden Sex Link” chicks that are now about 6 weeks old and look just like the ISA Brown in the pictures – is it the same breed with a different name? This is our first flock and didn’t know what we were buying really – just wanted all female to start out with.

    1. Hi Gina,
      No they aren’t the same breed, but they can look similar to ISA Browns 🙂

  14. I’ve got an ISA that laid an egg a day for the first 18 months and now hasn’t laid one for 2 months. She’s about 2, suspected she was “laid out.” Sorry to hear she won’t live much longer but she will enjoy her retirement being spoiled rotten as one of my six chickens. 🙂

    1. To breed any animal for short life ,so greed can (sale more) at inflated prices should be outlawed .
      I will never purchase any more an advice others to do same.
      If you want a pet , I’ll say better pet get a cockatiel.

  15. I have 4 of these hens that I bought from a local man that raises them every yr. and sells them at point of lay.Because they were not handled, and I wonder how they were fed and cared for: They are o.k. chickens. Lay only a medium to large egg. One is twice the size of the others and very odd. She has only laid a small egg and at 10 months molted and is not back to laying yet at 3 months. They do not like being handled. All that being said, they are gentle, quiet, and have laid steady through their first Wyoming winter with no additional lighting. I do like them but would not go this route again. However, Mable, Scarlet, Ruby & Pearl have a nice safe home to be a chicken.

  16. I just purchased 5 ISA browns and can’t wait to see how they produce. They are no different than if your white rooster breeds a barred rock, you get a different looking chicken, I would hardly call it genetically modified! ??

    1. Easy to find out parent stock of any chicken, Breed it to a different roster that is a cross breed of several different breeds. Hatch out eggs from the hen you want to test. Watch her chicks close. Out of 25 eggs hatched you will see several chicks that look like pure breed chicks. These pure breed chicks are the hens mother stock. the chicks that the roster produce will be different and not favor any pure breed. But the mothers stock will always favor the pure breed stocks the mother came from.

  17. I just purchased 2 chicks to add to my 3 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Australorps. Do you think there will be any compatibility issues? I know the RI Reds can be aggressive. Thank you!

  18. There’s a lot of misinformation going on here. I’ve had flocks of ISA browns for nearly 10 years. I can tell you that they are not genetically engineered. Genetic engineering and selective breeding are two completely different things. These chickens have been selectively bred, just like all farm animals, not engineered. They live long healthy normal chicken lives, their production will reduce *slightly* after 2 and half years but they continue to be wonderful, affectionate birds who will provide your family with plenty of eggs for many many many years. I recommend them whole heartedly.

    1. Ban how ever started the two yrs life span.from writing for 1st offence 1yr , and or the Editor these memos should be more informed before releasing to site.

  19. I recently purchased four ISA Brown chicks,and yes they are all females.I’m looking forward to raising them.I know they do well in cold weather,but how do they take the heat?It can get pretty warm here in the summer time.

    1. They do very well in warm weather. I speak from the official studies and personal experience. I live in Costa Rica. Have used the ISA Brown for 20 years. I have had many breeds over a life time. She is the best layer I can account for. She is medium sized, does not over eat, is docile and noble. For 2 years she has an awesome rate of production.

  20. We acquired 2 of these beautiful birds with our required 6 from our local big box store. Our first group after moving to the south. Our other 4 are RIRs. I’m sad to say, yesterday, I awoke to let my girls out, and sadly one of our ISAs named “Dale” had passed away. They are all only just over one year old. After inspection, we found nothing out of sorts. Not egg bound, just looked normal but no longer with us. I was shocked. To me she was so young but I guess half her life was already over. Probably with the issues listed above. She was my sweetheart. Such a nice lady! Heartbroken but I’m a softie.

  21. I am getting 3 dozen eggs a week from 6 birds that are 30 weeks old. Friendly, easy keepers that don’t eat a lot and love to forage.I bought them at 23 weeks and within just a few days they would come to me when called. I can pick them up and carry them easily and had them coop trained quickly. Never found an egg outside of the nest boxes. I get multiple double yolks a week. I would recommend them for a beginner. Only problem- they like to stick their heads through the fence when my dogs come to visit. Not the smartest move they can make.

  22. I love these girls! A co worker bought them for her kids & at about 9 wks wanted to give them away. I took them to my little 5 acre farm (as a 1st time chicken keeper) I sat in a stall with them – much like you do in a ring or pasture with a new horse waiting for them to join up. They are so friendly and loving. I free range them during the day & keep them safe at night. I call out ” chick chick chick chick chick” & they come running, they follow me everywhere like I’m their momma. No health problems so far they & are almost a year old. And Boy Oh Boy they are great layers of nice large brown eggs. I feed them organic feed, meal worms, everything from my garden, and oyster shell. My co-workers LOVE their eggs! which is good b/c I can’t eat as much as they lay. I give the eggs away but have been offered $3-5 a doz.. Tractor Supply sells these sweeties & I highly recommend them for backyard flocks & childrens pets! Can anyone recommend a breed with comparable temperament that lays white eggs?

  23. My Isa Brown has just had chickens. The Father is a leghorn I believe. Does this effect the colour when it comes to sexing them?

  24. How large can they grow? I heard 5 pounds but that’s only about 2.3 kg and our Honey is at least 3.5 kg (over 7 pounds, closer to 8) and quite a big girl now. She’s 2.5 yrs old (approx)

  25. We are new to chickens and started with four different breeds. Of them, the ISA Browns are absolutely the sweetest chicks, even at a week old. Who knows if this will last in the long run, but for now, each one happily lets you pick her up and almost immediately falls asleep in your hands or lap.

  26. I have 50 Isas, I sell eggs, Life and death is part of farming. If you are keeping any form of life as a pet there is certainly a different perspective than a return on your investment.
    That being said, I love my girls, love ’em to bits, the run over, dance, pick me up please, OK now put me down. LOL. What a pleasure.
    My next run will be 100 Isas. The children that visit love them as they are very inquisitive and not shy of anything.
    I sure as heck never worry about them in the winter or the summer, they have a large area and nice big regularly cleaned out coop, nice big windows for the sunrise and my customers rave about their eggs.
    These birds as all creatures need lots of both sunlight and shade. The Isa likes to dig holes in the soil and snuggle down. They are hilarious and very friendly.
    I highly recommend these birds for egg production and great friendship. However, they need replacing after two years tops.
    Because animals that are used on a farm are there to produce food they need to provide a return or they are pets. There is nothing wrong with pets.
    Further, if you are trying to find any breed of any domesticated animal that is as pure as Mother Nature made them, good luck. Do you own a dog or a cat?

  27. Josh, Turkeys can be be quite bossy and aggressive, if you get all of your poultry at the same time as young fledge then you may have a chance but your wee Isas won’t stand a chance if they are not considered part of your turkey’s flock in my opinion.
    Nicole, the size of the coop is a balancing act, the bigger the coop the more shavings you’ll use, the more heat you’ll need, etc. I went for R15 insulation and an air tight vapour barrier, slatted well dry wood coated with outdoor enamel. Good insulation will reward you.
    Two tiers of long perch is best, three short can lead to arguements. Lots of lay boxes where most will remain empty lets them decide a bit wich they seem to like. So keeping that in mind I have 50 birds in an 18 by 12 enclosure with a 7.5 foot to 6 foot slope. Two nice big double glazed pane windows and I rarely need heat but for when the temp drops below say -5 degrees Celcius.
    They make their own heat, I live in Canada and we get short days in the winter so I have a nice light for them and maintain a 12 hour light cycle.
    I also buy off cuts from the grocery store, run it through my food proessor and mix it with well ground corn in my blender (for yolk and energy) along with some walnuts (not too much) for worm control.
    Course chips are better than fine, fine turn to cement. Chopped straw does’t do the job. A weekly clean up of the coop poop more in the winter and every month or so a good bleach OR vinegar (NOT BOTH LOL) of the floor doesn’t hurt.
    If you put the feed and water outside in the morning, they’ll poop more outside than in. I have raised up aboutmy hopper 10 inches and they spill less, I have a double trough as well, the hopper sits inside a bigger tray. So then the spill goes into the bigger tray.

    1. We have 5 ISAs and they had been getting over our 4 foot fence. To avoid clipping their wings, I just let them roam around all day and they’ve been content with staying in the fence when we’re not home. I’d go with a 5ft fence if you can let them roam.

    2. if there’s something near the fence they can use as a step, then yeah, now and then, but not very often. they’re clumsy perchers and poor fliers and are scared to jump down from even a few feet up. but they are surprisingly good at jumping up.

  28. Just got an additional 25 to add to initial flock of 8. They are super friendly.
    Looking forward to the eggs and companionship. But, keeping it in perspective as well. Thanks for the information.

  29. I have 5 ISAs that are 7 weeks old now. I am a first time chicken mom and I love them! I have 4 Ameruacanas too. I do appreciate all the good information. I didn’t know about the possibility of a short life span when I got them, but I am doing all I can now to provide them with the best nutrition in hopes of prolonging their lives and keeping them healthy. Extra protein every day, in addition to organic feed. Fruit and Veggies too. Any other suggestions are very welcome!

  30. I bought two ISA Brown chicks around Easter and turns out they are both roosters. So the descriptions are wrong in that all males are white and females are red because both my boys are red and developing green feathers on their neck and tale. Does anyone know the temperament of ISA Brown Roosters? I was guaranteed females but well that didn’t happen.

  31. I absolutely love my ISA brown. Her name is peaches, she’s 19 weeks old and should start producing eggs any minute now.
    She is the sweetest animal I’ve ever met, she follows me around the yard, tucking her head between my legs while gardening, always walking up to people for them to pet her.
    My family has 3 Rhode island reds and my one ISA brown and she’s the family favorite.
    Thanks a ton for this amazing article, I am sad to see my little peaches may not outlive her sisters, but I’ll still make the most of it while she’s here!

  32. I HAVE 3 ISA’S. 3 light Bantum’s ISA’S ARE THE SWEETEST TEMPORMENT BIRDS. They all need huggins when I go out to feed or just visit. They also talk to you constantly.
    I have my coffee in the morning in the summer with them . I sit on the swing and the Isa’s will sit with me. If they could be litter trained they would be in the house LOL!

  33. I acquired four rescue ‘browns’ last year – they were 17 months old and so ready to be culled. They are wonderful pets – full of personality as well as laying well when we have enough daylight (we live in the uk). I would advise giving plenty of extra grit to ensure they get enough calcium. My favourite, called Scraglet, was under-the-weather recently. I thought she was egg-bound, and treated her with a liquid calcium supplement (bought from a health food shop) and warm Epsom salt baths. No improvement – I thought she was done for, and so took her to the vet, who x-rayed her at no charge just because the vet was interested! Scraglet has metabolic bone disease which we think is because she was bred to lay so many eggs in what was meant to be a short, intense life. Vet gave her a calcium injection, I gave her TLC in the kitchen for a week and then carefully re-introduced her to the others. She is right as rain and I can see her having a dust bath right now. She now gets a special breakfast separately which has extra calcium and vitamin D on top of the supplements the other fluffies get. They are lovely pets and I will get rescue browns again the the future.

  34. Great post! I’m considering getting an ISA Brown chicken as my next backyard bird. I appreciate the detailed information on their temperament, egg laying capabilities, and grooming needs. Your post has made me even more interested in this breed. Thanks for sharing!

  35. I just gotten 4 ISA Brown(chicks).. they will be introduced into Sapphire Jems & cinnamon Queens (soon). My Wife will love these I think

  36. Thank you for sharing this comprehensive guide to the ISA Brown chicken breed! As a beginner farmer, I find it incredibly helpful to have all the information in one place. I appreciate your attention to detail and the beautiful photos that accompany each section. Your enthusiasm for the breed is contagious and has inspired me to learn more. Can’t wait to start my own flock!

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