Duckling winter care involves diligent but not complicated or overly time-consuming husbandry techniques. The cute little fuzzy ducklings that you hatched or bought will depend on your care to survive their first few days to weeks of life. While ducks are incredibly more winter cold hardy than chickens, they can only comfortably tolerate 45-degree temperatures […]
Pros And Cons Of Raising Ducks
You should carefully consider the pros and cons of duck raising before investing in the purchase and husbandry set up for these adorable meat and egg birds. Even if you plan on raising ducks as “farm pets.” Failing to look at both the plus and minus scale associated with raising ducks could easily result in […]
Ducks Need Water
Ducks do not just love water. They need it. Ducks need water and must not be left without clean water to bathe, swim in, and drink. Ducks in such a scenario will suffer ill health effects and become emotionally distressed and exhibit anxious and even destructive behavior. It does not matter if you are keeping […]
Indian Runner Duck Breed: Everything You Need To Know
Indian Runner ducks boast one of the most distinctive body styles in the entire duck world. Members of this breed actually look a lot more like penguins or feathered bowling pins at first glance than either domesticated or wild ducks. But, unlike penguins, they do not waddle and can actually run rather quickly. When Indian […]
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Khaki Campbell Duck: Everything You Need To Know
Khaki Campbell ducks are one the most popular domesticated breeds kept in the United States. This attractive breed was created by crossing Runner, Fawn, and Rouen ducks. Some historical accounts also indicate they crossed khaki Campbell ducks with wild Mallard ducks, but others do not. They are a superb multi-purpose duck breed for both large […]
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