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Why Don’t We Eat Turkey Eggs?

turkey eggs

We prize the turkey for its delicious meat and…well, that’s about it. They aren’t the prettiest birds out there, and they taste great on Thanksgiving. But then it occurs to you…we don’t eat turkey eggs.

One day you’re driving along and have to stop for some turkeys crossing the road. They aren’t in a big hurry so you have some time to admire these strange-looking gamebirds

Wait, why don’t we eat turkey eggs? Let’s dig in and figure this one out together.

Yes, Virginia, Turkeys Do Lay Eggs

While turkey eggs may seem elusive to us, they do exist. In fact, turkeys can lay up to 100 eggs a year! 

Turkey hens lay their eggs in the springtime, on the ground, in a nest that she has lovingly prepared.

She’ll scratch about and look for the safest place to settle in and brood over her eggs.

turkey eggs on ground

Hens collect their eggs, so to speak. They lay about 3 eggs a week but don’t start sitting on their nest until they about around 10 eggs.

So some eggs end up waiting for about two weeks before momma hen starts incubating them with her warmth. 

A turkey hen has a longer wait than chickens do, however, she will sit on her eggs for approximately 28 days before a poult will hatch. 

turkey eggs

What Do Turkey Eggs Look Like?

Turkey eggs are larger than chicken eggs and are a little bit pointier. They are usually off-white with speckles. 

The inside of a turkey egg will look much similar to a chicken egg, once you crack it open. Other than that, the only other difference between the two types of eggs is the thickness of the shell.
A turkey eggshell is thicker than a chicken’s, and much more difficult to crack open. 
turkey vs chicken eggs

Are Turkey Eggs Safe to Eat?

Yes! In fact, most bird or poultry eggs are safe to eat…and delicious to boot! 

Turkey eggs don’t taste much different than a chicken egg. Some people prefer them and eat them on a regular basis. 

The only difference between a chicken and a turkey egg, when it comes to flavor, is that turkey eggs have a slightly stronger flavor, and the texture is a tad creamier. 

Some compare them to duck eggs, stating they are extremely similar in flavor and texture. 


Why Don’t More People Eat Turkey Eggs?

Americans eat a lot of turkeys, especially around turkey day. We eat turkey on Thanksgiving, like deli meat, dehydrated, and in soups. So why don’t we eat the eggs more often?

Well, there are a few different ways to look at it. 

1. Turkey Eggs Are Unfamiliar

People tend to get squeamish about eating something that’s new to them. More and more people are aware of where their food comes from and anything foreign makes them uncomfortable. 

The truth is, turkey eggs are safe to eat, and quite delicious, so it’s a shame more people aren’t willing to try them. 

2. Selling Eggs is a Waste of Time

That depends upon who you ask, right? But many turkey farmers don’t want to waste the time to produce and sell turkey eggs.

In a way, it’s not very efficient because of the time it takes turkeys to produce and hatch eggs. A lot of this ties in with the fact that the market just isn’t there for turkey eggs.

3. Turkeys are Expensive

Turkeys are bigger than chickens, and take more time and effort to raise. They mature slowly and don’t start laying until they are older.

Time is money in the food industry, and many farmers don’t want to waste time on turkey eggs. 

While chickens can start laying at 5 months, if conditions are right, turkeys can take about 7, so you can see that egg production would be much slower. 

Where Can I Get Turkey Eggs?

That’s a tough nut to crack, but if you’re willing to do the legwork, you’ll be able to get your hands on some turkey eggs. 

Check with local farmers, farmers’ markets, or start stalking your wild turkey population…just kidding on that last one. You never know how long eggs have been sitting, especially since hens collect their eggs. 

In conclusion, turkeys do lay eggs, they’re safe to eat, and they taste delicious. Here’s hoping you get to try your own turkey eggs for breakfast someday!

Eat Turkey Eggs

6 thoughts on “Why Don’t We Eat Turkey Eggs?

  1. I have a male turkey laying on turkey eggs instead of my female? Have you ever seen this.

    1. I know there are several bird species that the male shares the warming of eggs and sum were the female disappears altogether

  2. Thanks! A wild turkey is laying eggs in the garden abutting our house. This article answered all our kids questions as the nest has been growing! We found it with 2 eggs, and are now up to 8. I guess we’re going to have an unofficial pet for about 28 days.

  3. A hen egg is about the right size for a serving of ‘an egg’ If anyone wants to eat another hen egg – fine. It’s easy to crack that next egg. And boiling it is quick.
    But a Duck Egg – or a Turkey Egg – is just two much of an Egg-Thing going on for one person. Okay, if you’re sharing – but a chore to wait that much longer time for a boiled egg. ( Fine for frying/scramble etc )

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