I Want My Free E-Book On Egg Laying Chickens

Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Flocks Need a Daily Snack Too!

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are important – but do your flocks need a daily snack, too? Chickens have a lot of energy and need plenty of calories to keep them going. At the same time, you can provide most of your chickens’ nutritional requirements via their feed – which is specially formulated to meet their […]

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Best Automatic Chicken Waterers: What’s Best For Your Flock

Automatic Chicken Waterers What’s Best For Your Flock Blog Cover

Today we are going to be talking all about automatic chicken waterers. Certainly, an automatic system can save you time, but is it worth the investment? You can spend a lot of money on some of the automatic systems available, so you should try to find the best bang for your buck. This is where […]

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14 Rarest Chicken Breeds on Homesteads

Are you interested in adding some rare finds to your flock? Every single bird on this list is a stunner with outstanding qualities; it would be a shame if they were to go away. If any of these breeds speak to you, seriously consider adding them to your breeding program so you can boost their […]

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What Is The Deep Litter Method?

What Is The Deep Litter Method?

What Is The Deep Litter Method? (The Short Version) The Deep Litter method involves tossing carbon materials, such as straw, cardboard, hay, or wood chips onto the manure in a chicken coop or barn. Rather than scooping the muck out, layers of carbon are added on top, making a manure and carbon ‘lasagna” of sorts […]

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How To Do A Chicken Health Check (Checklist Included)

How To Do A Chicken Health Check Blog Cover

Regular health checks for your birds can prevent minor problems from becoming major headaches. You probably already take mental notes of what’s going on with your flock on a daily basis. This article gives you a few pointers on what you are looking for and how to deal with some minor problems as they occur. […]

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How to Introduce Dogs to Your Chickens: A Step-by-Step Guide


Have you ever tried to introduce dogs to your chickens? Or are you planning to do so? The idea of canines and chickens getting along with each other may sound counterintuitive for a reason. Dog’s cousins and chickens have a predator-prey relationship in the wild, and some dogs retain their hunting instinct to this day. […]

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6 Best Hybrid Chicken Breeds

6 Best Hybrid Chicken Breeds

Nearly all modern chickens today result from carefully cross-bred species in the past. And humankind isn’t finished yet; there are so many mixes that have a ton of benefits. Sometimes mixing two great breeds results in an even better chicken, which is why cross-breeding happens all the time, even today on a massive commercial scale. […]

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6 Best Poultry Crates

The 6 Best Poultry Crates

With so many poultry crates on the market, choosing something that will work for you can be confusing and overwhelming. Don’t worry. We’ve dug through all the options, and we’ll present the best ones we found to be useful, durable, and a good value. Let’s talk about them. What is a Poultry Crate? A poultry […]

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Do Chickens Pee? How Do Chickens Pee?

Do Chickens Pee?

Chickens eliminate their waste, urine, and feces in excreta.  This excreta exits the body via the cloaca.  So do chickens pee?  Technically, no.  But how does this work?  And why do chickens excrete this excreta (usually called poop) so often?  Let’s talk about it. How Does the Chicken Digestive System Work?  When you give your […]

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Can Chickens Eat Pineapples?

Can Chickens Eat Pineapples?

Pineapples are very sweet treats, especially for chickens, and because of this, your flock will love this fruit as a treat. Chickens can eat pineapples but should not be given to the flock in excess, and I’ll explain why in-depth, below.  Will Chickens Want to Eat Pineapples?  Yes, the inside of a pineapple has that […]

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