The Araucana chickens are the breed responsible for the blue egg craze, and unfortunately, many chicken enthusiasts confuse this quirky chicken with the Ameraucana and the Easter Egger.
It’s understandable, however, since these three types of chickens all lay colorful eggs—mainly blue.
Because of the rarity of this breed, the Araucana is hard to come by in the United States. Many hatcheries have chosen not to breed them due to hatch rate issues that are caused by genetics.
Most blue egg layers sold by hatcheries are the Easter Egger or the Ameraucana.
So, if you are looking to add the Araucana breed to your flock, you will most likely need to consult with a breeder who is working on developing the breed.
The Araucana a Blue Egg Layer
While the Easter Egger and the Ameraucana both lay lovely colorful eggs, they are actually just hybrids of the Araucana.
In the 1930s, the Araucana found its way from Chile to the United States and into the hearts of chicken lovers.
It wasn’t until the 70’s that they were recognized by the APA and became popular amongst the backyard chicken owners within the past five to ten years.
Those who love a rainbow-colored assortment of eggs undoubtedly have added the Araucana to their flock.
The appearance of the Araucana
The Araucana is not unique just because of her egg color—she also has unique physical characteristics that many popular breeds lack.
For one, she has an upright stance and resembles some species of wild game birds. Her back slopes toward her bottom half, giving her the posture she is well-known for.
If you aren’t sure if you are looking at an Araucana or an Easter Egger, look for two telltale characteristics (or lack thereof) that will most likely indicate you are in the presence of a
South American chicken treasure:
Tufts are the comical feathers that protrude from the Araucana’s cheeks. They grow under a fold of skin under their ears and might stick out like a gentleman’s handlebar mustache.
These tufts usually come in two (one on each side) but not always. They may also take on personalities of their own by growing every which way possible.
One thing is for sure, though. They add a ton of character to your Araucana’s appearance.
No Tail (rumpless)
Rumpless basically means what you might think it to mean…they have no rumps! Or in other words, they lack the long tail feathers that other breeds of chickens have.
This characteristic also contributes to the appearance of the Araucana’s upright posture—a very telling trait.
These two characteristics give this chicken a unique and highly sought appearance—well, that and their lovely eggs, of course!
Unfortunately, the very gene creates the comedic tufts that cause many chicks to die during incubation.
This is why many hatcheries do not carry the Araucana chicken…so, if you are looking for your own frizzy-looking rumpless chickens, this is why you may have to seek out a dedicated breeder.
As far as typical chicken characteristics go, Araucanas have pea combs, which lay closer to the chicken’s head, unlike large floppy combs.
Upon close inspection, little pea-like protrusions are present on the Araucanas comb.
The Araucana is a clean-legged chicken, unlike the Brahma chicken, and the color of their legs may vary depending upon the color of the chicken.
The Araucana comes in black, red, silver duck wing, white, and golden duck wing. The darker-colored varieties of this chicken may have black or blue legs.
Araucana Chicken Size
Araucanas are considered smaller-sized standard chickens. Meaning they are bigger than bantams but smaller than Brahma’s (the king of chickens).
An Araucana will typically weigh in at around 5 lbs. However, they can be found in a bantam variety, but only if you look hard for them because standard and bantam sizes are both considered rare finds.
While the Araucana is considered on the small end of the spectrum, interestingly, they grow fairly fast.
If you raise more than one breed of chicken, you will quickly notice that your Araucanas tend to grow out of their awkward teenage years sooner than their counterparts.
Egg Laying of the Araucana
Since Araucanas are on the smaller side, they are not ideal as meat birds, but what they lack in meat makes up for beautiful blue eggs.
Even though hens are smaller, their eggs are medium-sized and perfect for your Easter basket, and hey, you don’t even have to color them!
At a rate of approximately 3 eggs per week, the Araucana is not necessarily meant for production, but she can certainly earn her keep.
However, because this plucky hen originated in the warmer climates of South America, she does tend to take the winters off from laying.
No matter, she will be back at it once the weather warms up and just in time for Spring egg hunts with the kids.
Araucana Temperament
The jury is out on the temperament of the Araucana. Some enthusiasts say they are the friendliest chickens they’ve ever owned, while others swear that they are flighty and nervous.
High energy may not always equate to unfriendly chickens, so it might just depend on who you talk to and how they chose to interact with their Araucanas.
A quick internet search will reveal that those dedicated to developing this breed have only loving interactions with their Araucanas.
Many breeders will tell you that they are great chickens for the kids because they actually enjoy being cuddled and handled.
Araucana hens tend to go broody frequently and easily.
This means they happen to enjoy raising their own little clutch of chicks, and if you plan to breed these birds, leaving the mother hen to do her job will make the process easier for you.
Just remember that the hatch rate is pretty low for the Araucana, so don’t be discouraged if only a few babies hatch.
And on that note, if momma hen has been broody for a long time, is losing weight, and looking a little rough, it may be time to help her move on from any eggs that have not hatched.
Araucana Chicken Breed is Hardy
The Araucana is surprisingly hardy during the winter.
Even though these chickens originated in warmer climates, they do particularly well in the cold. Having a pea comb makes frostbite uncommon.
In the same line, Araucanas can handle the hot weather just as easily. They are adaptive chickens that really seem to go with the flow, no matter where they live.
Araucanas are particularly curious and active chickens, and they love to spend their days scratching about for tasty treats. They are savvy chickens who keep their eyes peeled for predators and do their best to stay out of harm’s way.
It’s been noted that Araucanas tend to travel a bit more than a typical chicken, and they enjoy taking the same route daily.
So, if your neighbors aren’t in love with chickens, make sure you keep your chickens in a fenced yard because once they figure out where the good stuff is, they will keep going back for more!
Araucanas are a special breed that is highly sought after due to their bright blue eggs and fun characteristics.
While Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas also lay colorful eggs, the Araucana consistently produces those beautiful robins-egg blue eggs.
If their lovely eggs don’t have you sold on the breed, their comical physical appearance certainly will. Who doesn’t love a little personality in their flock?
Excellent article on auracaunas. My faves. Have an Americauna flock. Many blue eggs. Thanks for the info.
I had a question about my chicken she always has poopy butt. I clean her and she gets it back again on her feathers and it’s hard to get off. I had other chickens have that , and they would get a weird posture and die. Been reading and can’t find anything about that? Thanks
Wash then trim the feathers under the vent. Watch her diet.
Araucanas do not come from semi tropical climes, but Southern Chile’s Araucania Province. Since they are a cross of two breeds, they lay blue or pink eggs. Their behavior varies from one individual to the next. They are simply smarter than other breeds. And their eggs taste better.
Besides tasting different they’re chemically different. I am very allergic to chicken eggs. A friend studied them at University and said to try these very ancient chickens friends with Native tribes on the west Peru to Canada to the west of the Rocky’s N&S in forested regions. They are chemically different from European and other chickens.
I can eat them. Maybe bc I’m Native. I can’t drink cow milk but goat, sheep, buffalo, etc I can drink. I can’t eat wheat ever and other none genetically traditional foods from Americas. I do a lot of wild food crafting. It’s amazing to energy, all nutrients and micronutrients, just from tea. Herbs, spices, plants, fruits, nuts and so much more even a vegan can live of the earth.
If you don’t cook them their proteins and amino acids can be transformed into what your body needs. I put a raw egg in my smoothie every other day.
Love your write up on Araucana chickens. We have two grey girls who are about 7mths and have great personality. My daughter hatched four Araucanas along with five Wyandottes from ten eggs so pretty good success rate. We kept the two Araucana hens and two Golden Laced Wyandottes and my daughter loves her four girls!
Help needed I’ve recently got my first 3 Araucana chickens at around 8-9 weeks old I have a feeling that 1 maybe a Male because of the comb size difference would I be right in thinking that?
Regards T
There is a way to tell whether they are male or female. Here is some more info
This it’s not specific to Aracuana chickens. Since they don’t have the same characteristics as other roosters and hens, it would be good to find an article on this specific breed.
Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass oneself
I have two Araucana bantams who are 11 months old today and never laid an egg. I’m aware of the seasons etc effecting them etc so know it unlikely that they would be laying atm anyway. They are fed well and live with two silver laced Wyandotte’s and two golden partridge Perkins (all bantams) who all started laying last year and have resumed laying this morning. Can anyone give me any advice please? Is this common? Could they lay different colour eggs??? I bought all of my hens from a reputable rare breeder…
Could they be roosters? I’ve never had a pullet wait so long to lay.
I really like this article! However, it seems to only mention blue and robin-blue eggs. I have raised Araucana, Americana, and Easter Eggers. All three types (and there are specific differences between them) will and do lay green and Olive green eggs occasionally. Also I have several that also lay pink eggs. The same hen sometime lays all three colors though they tend to gravitate from one color to another over a few weeks. I have the same experience in ‘North Central FL’ (Gainesville/Ocala area), and ‘TX’ (Dallas/Corsicana’Waco area). Other people in my area/s also have the same experience with the different colors. Everyone I know who has raised these hens always seem to keep a few around!
we recently lucked into purchasing 2 Araucana chicks at our local feed store. We keep our chickens as pets that happen to lay eggs. so their size doesn’t matter. we live at Canyon Lake Tx. so the climate is similar to their native land. they are about a week old now and growing FAST. I’m looking forward to adding them to our flock. Thanks for the information. our rooster is a Barred Rock so any chicks we may decide to hatch will be a hybrid but i’m looking forward to the fun.
Does anyone elses araucana chickens love water? Mine loves to get soaked and will chase the hose around.
Check for worms