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What Is A Chicken Sexer?

A CHICKEN SEXER is a real job position in the poultry industry. To put it simply, chicken sexers are professionally trained to determine whether day-old chicks are males or females. They employe different ways and techniques to do this (which we will cover later.) Interesting, right? In this article, let’s explore a bit more about […]

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Can You Freeze Eggs? How to Safely Do It

Do you have an abundance of eggs? Are you looking into extending their shelf life? Then the question, “Can you freeze eggs?” might have crossed your mind. And you’re in luck because, yes, you can! In fact, freezing eggs can be the most convenient method to preserve eggs for future use! However, there are various […]

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Sarda Goat Breed Profile

The Sarda goat breed is known for its versatility and adaptability to various environmental conditions. Originating from the Sardinia hillside region in Italy, these domestic goats have gained recognition for their exceptional meat and milk production capabilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the characteristics, uses, and care requirements of the Sarda goat breed. […]

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Goat Anemia: What Goat Keepers Should Know

Goat anemia is characterized by a decrease in goats’ red blood cell count or hemoglobin levels. It is a serious health concern that can result in weakness, stunted growth, and even death if left untreated. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment of goat anemia is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of your goats. […]

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Do Ducks Get Stressed? (Signs, Causes, & How to Help)

Do ducks get stressed? Well, the straightforward answer is… Yes! And too much of it could be dangerous or even deadly for your beloved fowl. In this piece, we’ll dive into what causes stress in ducks, how to tell if your ducks are stressed, and how to help out your flock in times of stressful […]

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Bali Duck Breed Profile

Bali Ducks, also known as the Balinese Duck or Balinese Crested Duck, is a beautiful domesticated duck breed that, true to the name, resembles a white Indian Runner with fluffy white feathered crests atop their heads. There’s so much to know about this slender, goofy breed — their history, characteristics, and purpose. And if you’re […]

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Clipping a Duck’s Wings: Importance + Step-by-Step Guide

Clipping a duck’s wings is a process that involves trimming the flight feathers on one wing to prevent the duck from flying while still allowing it to maintain balance and mobility. It is a common practice for domestic ducks to be kept in non-enclosed areas to prevent them from flying away or getting into potentially […]

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Dong Tao Chicken Breed Profile: All You Need to Know

The Dong Tao chicken, or Vietnamese Dragon chicken, is an incredibly rare and highly valuable breed best known for its strange appearance and specialty meat. These mild-mannered birds have thick, heavy, and scaly legs. They may have typical single combs with standard-sized waddles — or these features may also be thick and scaly, too. If […]

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Can Chickens Eat Quinoa?

Have you been wondering, “Can chickens eat quinoa”? It’s a great question, and the short answer is YES, but you have to rinse it first. Quinoa is a seed that comes from the chenopodium quinoa plant. While many call it a whole grain, it’s technically not a grain, though it shares very similar nutrients to […]

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Do Goats Sweat? What You Need To Know

The simple and straightforward answer to the question “Do Goats Sweat?” is YES, they do. However, their sweat is different from ours. They don’t produce sweat like we do or expel it quite like us. Goats don’t have sweat glands, which are basically the express route. And goats just don’t have that. Instead, they slowly […]

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