The Brown Leghorn is a favorite of the poultry industry because she is such a hard-working girl!
If you have the space, some of these girls would certainly keep you in eggs very nicely – read on to find out more about these ‘Italians’.
Although we are talking about the brown Leghorns here, there are a few other colors to choose from.
The Leghorn chicken is originally from the Tuscany area of Italy. The name of Leghorn is the corrupted name of the seaport of Livorno, not too far from Florence.
They were originally called Italians.
How the original Leghorns came to be, no one really knows. It is most likely a product of breeding between several local fowl of the area, perhaps slightly refined by the local farmers.
The Leghorns first made their way to America thanks to Captain Gates who originally brought brown Leghorns back from one of his voyages in 1852.
A year later, white Leghorns were also imported to the US.
They won hearts and shows in the US and were exported across the Atlantic to England. The English did not care for the skinny birds and so crossed them with the Minorca to get a plumper bird.
As often seems to be the case, once a ‘standard’ is set, the breed fanciers will divide into heritage and industrial – this is the case for the Leghorn.
The original Leghorn lines are in the hands of a few dedicated breeders while the majority of Leghorn chicks born nowadays are hatchery quality.
Many folks assume that Leghorns are white – this is far from the truth as we shall see a bit later on.
Leghorns have the typical Mediterranean build – a slimly built body with large wattles and combs to help them keep cool. The combs can be large and somewhat floppy or they can have a rose comb.
The rose comb was a modification bred into them in the early days of their American journey. It is much better suited to the colder and harsher winters found in many northern states.
The comb and wattles are red, the earlobes are white. The eyes are an orange/red color and the beak is yellow/horn colored.
The skin of the bird and the shanks are yellow. Each foot will have four toes.
The brown Leghorn probably has the most colorful plumage of the Leghorn family and can roughly be divided into light brown and dark brown.
The ladies are a medium reddish brown with slightly darker wing coloration. The breast is a pale salmon color.
Tail feathers are a darker brown tending towards black.
The boys show orange hackles and saddle feathers with black stripes in the center of the feathers. It almost looks like a partridge pattern.
The variations of Leghorn were admitted to the American Poultry Association as follows:
- 1874 – black, brown, and white single comb
- 1883 – light and dark brown rosecomb
- 1886 – white rose comb
- 1889 – red and black-tailed red Colombian single comb
- 1894 – buff and silver single comb
- 1981 – buff silver, gold duckwing, and black rosecomb
As you can see there are several varieties to choose from now.
The APA designation is Mediterranean class, clean-legged, single or rose combed. The standard is the same for the bantam Leghorn.
The Italian Poultry Association recognizes 10 standard varieties – none of them rose comb since the original birds did not have rose combs.
The weight for these birds is usually around 7 ½ lb for boys and 5-6lb for girls. Although the weight is comparable to a standard-sized hen, Leghorns are rarely suitable for table fare.
Bantams weigh in at 1kg for the boys and 0.9kg for the ladies.
They are not a cuddly chicken by any means. They are very active and dislike being held or restrained, although they tolerate confinement well enough as long as there are things to occupy them.
The Leghorn has a reputation of being high strung, unfriendly and flighty. Much of this will depend upon the strain that you buy, but they aren’t unfriendly, just independent. They are very intelligent and resourceful birds that enjoy foraging and finding their own food.
This trait helps to keep the feed bills down and improve the Feed Conversion Ratio.
If they are kept in a low or stress free environment they will be quite content but they are good flyers and will roost in trees if allowed to.
They don’t enjoy or thrive in a cold environment. They were born to be ‘hot chicks’ and enjoy warmer weather much better. As with all livestock, they benefit from having shade and fresh water available at all times.
Leghorns are historically one of the best laying hens in the world. They can put out 300+ eggs per year! Their eggs are white and large sized, averaging 3+ eggs per week.
This is not as many as white Leghorns who can lay 4 eggs per week.
This amazing egg output has worked against them as far as the poultry industry goes. They are one of the breeds that are used in barn or ‘battery’ situations, neither of which is good for the hens.
Broodiness has almost been eliminated in this hard working hen. It would be exceptional if you happened to have a broody Leghorn. A few other sources say they make awful mothers which is highly probable.
Leghorn chicks are quick to grow in their feathers and mature, but they won’t be ready to lay until 18-20 weeks.
Health issues
The Leghorn is a healthy and vigorous bird with no underlying health issues. The combs and wattles can be subject to frostbite in the colder states, so preventative measures will need to be taken if you don’t have rose comb birds.
Is it right for you?
Since Leghorns can be a bit noisy, neighbors should be far away to avoid potential conflicts between you and them.
They are not a pushy or assertive bird, so care should be taken when selecting flock mates. Breeds such as Barnevelders, Faverolles and Welsummers would do well with Leghorns.
We have mentioned that they can be confined, but if they have insufficient room or become bored from lack of stimulation they will be a bit more difficult to handle.
In the right environment where they can free range at least part of the day, they will reward you with lots of lovely eggs and a low feed bill.
They really aren’t suitable for children as they dislike being held or petted – it is just not their nature. They have kept a lot of their natural independence and so dislike being ‘captive’ or confined.
If you want hens that are prolific egg layers, low maintenance and independent then the Brown Leghorn may be your bird.
Leghorns are a no nonsense breed. They don’t really want fussed with and do their ‘job’ (egg laying) very well.
At one time the Leghorn family was endangered, but thanks to folks like you and others who are interested in preserving rarer breeds, the breed is now listed as recovering by the Livestock Conservancy.
Leghorns are often on the ‘rehoming list’ when poultry farms rotate birds out, so if you fancy trying some of these beauties, sign up with the British Hen Welfare Trust or similar organization.
Although they won’t lay as prolifically as a new point of lay bird, they will still lay and it will give you time to decide whether or not you want some more of these ladies. Leghorns are said to lay fairly well even into their fourth year. The eggs may get fewer, but they do get bigger!
Do you have Leghorns – were they rescues? Let us know!
Would you believe my Brown Leghorn is a great cuddler? She is also pretty high strung and active, like the breed is known for. She’s a GREAT bird!
We had 3 brown & 3 whites as chicks. Unfortunately 2 browns were caught by predaters. So our single brownie is now being picked on by the 3 whites. It’s so sad to see as she is such a sweetie. They chase her away from food & their spa-dusting area. She’s so lonely & has stopped laying. Any ideas?
She’s stopped laying due to excessive stress of being terrorised. Either get two new Browns (if there wasn’t an issue previously), or donate her to a more friendlier environment.
My mother separates her ones that get picked on…they love it…she uses a large dog cage and uses mirrors and baby toys to keep her entertained plus she gets more treats…she lays good…even better. She lets her free range by herself and she will go up to see the others and is happy…
I have a broody brown leghorn. I guess she is exceptional!
One of my black copper maren female keeps jumping on my Easter Eggers and acts like a rooster. She doesen’t bother any of the other girls
Is their a problem.
I love your articles! How will I know if my brown leghorns are hens or roosters? What age will their bigger combs and waddles stand out? Or their tail feathers come in? I am hoping I have all hens, but I just cannot tell.. we are not allowed roosters within our city limits so I’m hoping to know before they start cawing in the morning 🙁
I had Buff Leghorns, show quality. Yep they lay a lot of eggs. But are Not friendly! They avoid contact. I found them not enjoyable.
We can an exceptional broody leghorn called Hoppy! Unfortunately she was picked up by predator just a week ago. She was definitely the one that was picked on by the flock but she was feisty and independent and was first to the food and managed to outrun the older slower birds. She was beauty and most intelligent. I never thought she would be caught by anyone. Great article.
I’m totally confused. I’m pretty sure the two hens my mother just received as gifts from her Mexican-American neighbors are brown leghorns, only one is broody and the other is a cuddler. The one that’s not broody is a great layer.
Funny, I’ve a six week old brown leghorn who is always first to come over to my hand for treats and tolerates light stroking more than her brood mates. She’s very inquisitive and the first to check out any new addition to their environment. Not the most dominant of the bunch, she seems to command plenty of respect from the two bossier chicks-both barred rocks. Not the flashy like others in her young flock, she’s pretty in her own way. Can’t wait to see when she’s grown up and foraging!
What a great post…now I know exactly what my four and a half hybrid hen is! Never been able to match up the characteristics so precisely…She is a beautiful mannered hen, she cares about her sisters, all different breeds. She is friendly, hard working for sure and soooo noisy! She always has something to say..I’d have a bunch of them if I could, but I don’t think my neighbours would appreciate it.
I still get the occasional egg, and she will crouch to be petted and follow me around with her constant chatter, hop onto the perch to get first pick as I enter the coup, but on the whole would rather be left alone unless she agrees! Love her, such a sweetie!