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Chicken Bullying: How to Stop Them Pecking Each Other

chicken bullying

Todays’ article tackles one of the least endearing qualities of our beloved hens – chicken bullying. It is more than establishing the ‘pecking order’- it is systematically picking on one or two hens for no apparent reason. Bullying can be limited to feather plucking or escalate into full-blown warfare, with the receiving hen being severely […]

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What Is The Best Drake to Hen Ratio When Raising Ducks?

Drake to Hen ratio

“Drake to hen ratio” is a common term in the duck raising and breeding world. What does this mean, and why should you care? Perhaps more importantly, have you ever wondered what the drake to hen ratio is for your favorite duck breed? Wondering which type of ducks are better suited for laying eggs than […]

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Sour Crop in Chickens: What is it And How to Treat it

Sour Crop in Chickens- What is it And How to Treat it

What is a sour crop? We all hear about it from time to time but hopefully will never experience it with our hens. We will delve into what it is, how to treat it and how to avoid it in the future. Also, we’re going to look at impacted crops, which is something a bit […]

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Diatomaceous Earth For Chickens: Why and How To Use Properly

Diatomaceous Earth and chickens

Diatomaceous Earth For Chickens: Why and How To Use Properly If you’re looking for natural ways to treat your flock for parasites, you may want to add to your care plan diatomaceous earth for chickens. More and more chicken owners have jumped on board with natural methods of coop care in recent years. Luckily, more […]

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Ducks In The Summer Heat

ducks in summer heat

It’s the middle of summer, and it is boiling outside. Nobody wants to complain – after all, the bitter chill of winter is likely still fresh on your mind! – but there are some considerations you need to make when raising livestock, including ducks in the summer heat.  Ducks are enjoyable animals to raise, especially […]

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How Cold Is Too Cold For My Chickens?

How Cold Is Too Cold For My Chickens?

Here in the North Eastern States, we need to know how cold is too cold for my chickens. It’s never too early to look at this year’s winter months, so we need to prepare ourselves and our flocks for the long months ahead. Many beginner chicken keepers are amazed at just how hardy and tough […]

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The Pecking Order: What Is It and How to Avoid Problems in Your Flock

Pecking Order in Chickens

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘the pecking order. In our mind’s eye, we likely see colleagues and co-workers neatly arranged in order of ‘merit.’ From the CEO down to the janitor, everyone has a place in the ‘pecking order. The term ‘pecking order’ was first coined in 1921 by Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe to describe the hierarchy […]

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Straight Run Chickens, Everything You Need to Know

Straight Run Chickens, Everything You Need to Know

The excitement of ordering your first clutch of chicks may end up causing some confusion upon their arrival. Especially if, a few months down the line, some of your layers start crowing.If this happens, you may have inadvertently ordered straight run chickens instead of all females. If you’re in a position to continue raising the surprise […]

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The Educational Value of Raising Chickens

The Educational Value of Raising Chickens

Chickens can teach us a lot about ourselves and the world around us. And if you’re homeschooling your children during the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be looking for a fun project that has many layers of educational value. Of course, chickens can provide just that. If you choose to utilize chickens and animal husbandry to […]

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What Raising Chickens with Your Children Teaches Them

What Raising Chickens with Your Children Teaches Them

Whether you’re homeschooling your children or looking for an educational project for them to do at home, raising chickens is one of the most multi-faceted projects for your kids. Aside from the ability to learn about animal husbandry and farming, there are a few key areas of education that are baked into a chicken-raising project. […]

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